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So Aeri has had a crush on jay for a while and she says that she got over him until they get chosen to share the same dorm.

In the dorm, they both develope feelings and then jay asks Aeri out.

In the amusement park, Jay bumps into his old friend Ha-eun. During that time, Aeri feels like she's third wheeling her own relationship due to how close ha-eun is acting towards Jay.

p.s Ha-eun knows the 2 r dating

Jay's first insta post was about Ha-eun. Aeri got mad and then has a fight with Jay.

Jay then apologised.

She excepts his apology until her classmate Jisoo shows her a photo of ha-eun and jay kissing.

note: Jisoo and Aeri did not know the photo was photoshopped.

Aeri confronts jay and breaks up with her.

Once that happens, Jay goes to Sunghoon for help. Sunghoon suggests that Jay downloads a dating app.

In the dating app, he meets a school mate called Hyewon.

Hyewon and Jay gets closer as Aeri is still stuck on him.

5 months has passed and Aeri is still stuck on jay as Jay developed a crush for Hyewon.

On the day Jay is asking Hyewon out, Aeri is in the bathroom looking at insta pics

She then notices the photo Jisoo showed her.  She finds out it's photoshopped and tries to find Jay. By the time she finds jay, he has already asked Hyewon out and witnessed the two of them hugging.

She was to late.

Jay notices Aeri watching and decides to give her the chapstick he had kept when they were dating.

Once he gives her the chapstick, Aeri finds something written on the chapstick

"my everything,
8/07/20" Aeri realises that she was to late and dumb founded and realised that if she trusted Jungwons word nothing would've happened

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