A doctor appeared before me. I wasn't sure where he had come from, I wasn't really paying close attention to my surroundings. I stood up slowly, hoping for the best but preparing myself for the worst.

The doctor placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled gently at me. This was never good. "Doctor, is she.. is she.." I couldn't spit the word out. Dead. I couldn't say it out loud, it was as if it was a poison.

"No, son," the doctor replied. "She's not dead. But she's not doing so well. She's lost a lot of blood, and the head trauma was severe. I'm afraid she's in a coma."

I swallowed his words like a brick. It was my fault, all my fault. How could this happen to her?

"She could go either way," the doctor continued. "I really can't say right now. I'd give it 24 hours. If she's stabilized, she'll make it. If not, I'm afraid we may have lost her. I'm sorry, son. I'll be back soon to let you know when you can see her." The doctor patted my shoulder and walked away. He probably was used to delivering terrible news, he did it on a daily basis.

I sat back down, or rather, I fell into my seat. I couldn't believe what was happening. I closed my eyes as the tears fell and prayed that she would be ok.

The doctor appeared once again and led us to Ashley's room. Room 519 you can stay as long as you want the doctor consoled. Hunter ad Jonie put a hand on my back to show support as I opened the door.

Everything was white she would hate that. My Ashley loved color even if one of her favourite colors was black. The window was closed not like there was anything to look at but buildings my main concern was Ashley.

I walked over to the bed and looked down. Ashley lay on the bed, unmoving. Bandages around her head and gauze taped to her face. a machine was hooked to a mask that covered her face to help her breathe. The heart rate machine beeping every time she breathed. Mist filled the mask when she exhaled and disappeared when she inhaled. Jonie grabbed a chair and moved it to the bed for me i sat and took her hand into mine.

The seconds ticked by, the clock making the annoying tick-tock sound in the silent room. I leaned over and whispered into her ear

Hey, buttercup it's me. I'm not leaving until you come home with me you hear that. I'm sorry I broke my promise. You and me against everything. Do you remember that?  Your gonna get better and then we're going to be unstoppable you, me, hunter, and Jonie. You'll see baby we're gonna take over the world just like we joked about. I can't lose you baby please wake up.
I will find whoever did this to you and I will make them pay.

Hours have gone by hunter and Jonie went home to take care of a few things they knew I wasn't going to leave her side. I sat there holding her hand and praying to a god that I don't think even exist at this point when the door opens. I figure it was a nurse I've gotten pretty used to them coming in by now.

The person moved a chair next to me sat down and put his hand on his shoulder. Shawn im sorry this has happened please take all the time you need don't worry about work itll be there when you're ready. I looked over and it was vince.

I just wanna find out who did this to her. I sobbed. Well uhh, Shawn I hate to be the one to tell you this but id rather you hear this from me. Someone overheard sunny bragging about what she did to Ashley at the show tonight. I looked at him with my bloodshot eyes and couldn't believe what he was saying. I'm gonna kill her I said coldly. Now Shawn calm down. I have already reported it to law enforcement and it's being taken care of as we speak. The person that alerted it to my attention has pledged to testify if needed. Sunny has been fired and banned from any wwf event from now and into the future. If I were you I would look into getting a protection order for you and miss heart here. It's all been taken care of Shawn. Now we wait until Ashley is better.
She is a fighter, Vince. He pulled me into a hug and left.

Whoever said there was no peace in a hospital had been right; Shawn had got used to the constant stream of people in and out of Ashley's room. there had hardly been a minute when there wasn't a doctor or nurse in the room; the doctors looking at Ashley looking at the lacerations from the accident, looking at the machines, pressing buttons, changing the coloured line, the life-recording beeps; the music that had become the lyric of ashleys life as he jumped at any slight change or variation. The nurses watching Ashley; writing notes, watching the machines, writing notes; checking all the tubes and lines; there were so many; IVIs, CVP line, arterial line, god! they even measured how much she pee'd every hour. About the only thing that wasn't measured Shawn thought, was how many tears had been cried in that room.

I gripped Ashley's hand and squeezed. Baby you news to wake up they found the poor excuse that did this to you please wake up my love i cried until i finally gave into sleep

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