falling asleep over facetime (requested)

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"Hey, Sel," you smiled as your girlfriend's face appeared on the screen of your phone.

She looked tired but content. She put on another amazing show tonight and met so many amazing and adoring fans. It'd been so fun and brought her such a rush of excitement and happiness.

"How was the show tonight?"

"Amazing!" She answered. "The fans were so loud tonight. It's nice to be on stage again. I missed it."

You cracked a smile. It makes you happy to know she's out there her living out her dreams. You miss her like crazy.

The house and the bed feel so much bigger and so much colder without her.

But you're pulling through, hoping that the time will begin to pass much faster. Because she's still got a month and a half of touring to go.

"I miss you." She said, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I miss you too."

She breathed out a sigh and began to toy with the string on her sweats. She was really missing you, as much as you missed her.

You yawned and she couldn't help but giggle. Your eyes looked heavy and you looked quite tired.

She understood why.

Your job has been keeping you busy. It's the biggest reason why you can't pay her a visit on this tour. You can't get the time away and you love your job too much to just quit it.

She understood. She's been nothing but supportive.

So when she realized how tired you seemed, she just smiled contentedly through the screen.

"Are you sleepy, my love? I can let you go so you can go to sleep. We  can always talk more tomorrow."

"No. I'm alright. I want to keep talking to you."

She was a little unsure. She didn't want to keep you up if you're tired.

But you're determined to work through the sleepiness you felt. You've been looking forward to seeing her face and talking to her all day. You miss her. You need this.

"Okay. But if you change your mind and you get too sleepy, let me know."

"I will." You said. "Now, tell me stories about the shows and the meet and greets."

Her eyes lit up and she started to talk to you about it all. From the hard work of rehearsals each day to meeting every fan. She takes her time with all of them. She listens intently to every word they say. She lets them hold onto her when they get to hug her and she doesn't pull away until they're ready to.

It's one of the many things you adore about her; her kindness, her generosity, her humbleness, and how deeply she loves others. She's so selfless, wanting to make hr fans' dreams come true by giving them long hugs, comforting words, and the best shows they could experience.

She went on and on. She looked away for a couple of minutes to change her shirt as she got a little cool in her cropped tee. She continued to talk and you could sense her happiness through her voice as she opened up to you.

She turned back to her phone screen a moment later and stopped speaking mid-sentence when she saw you.

You were sound asleep. Your eyes were closed, soft breaths falling from your parted lips. You were in her sweater; her smell and the sweet sound of her happy voice brought her happiness.

"You're so cute." She whispered softly and found herself taking a few screenshots of you.

She'd sneakily set one as her lock screen and favorite the others as soon as she hung up. They brought her so much happiness and were sure to bring a smile to her face when things are hard on this tour and she misses you so much.

"I love you." She said, voice cracking slightly as her heart filled with love. "I can't wait to see you soon. Only a month and a couple of weeks to go. I'm counting down the days until I get to hold you again. But until then, I promise to talk to you every chance I get."

You just continued to breathe softly and sleep soundly.

"Sweet dreams, my love. I miss you. I hope you sleep well. I'll tuck you in through the phone tomorrow night. I promise."

She reached to end the call, but let her finger hover for a second. She soaked in the sweet sight, taking a few pictures in her mind before she blew you a kiss and told you she loves you once more and then hung up, hoping to see you in her dreams tonight.

Selena Gomez Imagines - Book Two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now