I believe he needs to save Sexy and not me. "Romeo?" I yell now to get his attention. He is so surprised he drops the branch and it sinks into the quicksand and is gone in seconds. Oops. He looks longingly at the spot where the branch disappeared. "Romeo. You need to save him." I tell him, but he shakes his head. "No. I need to save you. He doesn't deserve to be saved," he spits with fire. 

I sigh, but try again. "You need to save him. I'm fine." His jaw is defined as he bites down on his teeth. "Why?" He finally asks me, looking at the scene in front of me. "He's my soulmate." I simply state. He looks surprised. "No he's not. He never said anything about a mark." He tells me crossing his arms, but tapping his foot. 

He clearly thinks this is taking to long. I'm already knee deep into the sand. "He is mine, I'm wearing the mark." I tell him and now his eyes almost pop out of his skull. "So you are our soulmate? All?" He asks me. And I nod, and then shake my head. 

"I am yours, which makes you mine. He is mine, which makes me his. Do you see where I'm getting at?" I ask but he shakes his head. I think on how to explain it. "He is mine as I'm wearing the mark. He'll always be mine, no matter what happens. But I'm not his, yet. Only after sealing the bond will I be his soulmate." I take a deep breath and the action has me sinking faster, and I'm almost down to my waist. 

"So I only became yours after you told me you loved me?" Romeo asks. I nod. "But what difference does it make?" He asks me next, still tapping his foot. "The difference is how I feel about it. I can't leave him here and watch her kill him again. Just imagine me in his place, you in my place and who do you want to save? Me or yourself?" I ask. 

He looks outraged, "that's not fair. I love you. Of course I would save you and not myself." He states and as soon as his mouth is shut he opens it in an O. "Oh, now I see. You love him?" He asks me, looking at Sexy again. I nod when he looks back at me. 

"Okay," he says turning around, "first I'm going to save you." And his voice gets softer as he runs away to find something to help him. I look at Sexy as I wait for Romeo to get back to me. He finally does and I don't know where he got it from, but he's carrying a large plank. 

He lays it flat down, half on the hard ground, half on the sand. Next he lies down on the plank, and scoots closer to me. I think I'm too far into the mud, but my arms are still free as I kept them up and out of the sand. 

He grabs them and pulls hard, and at first I don't budge, but eventually I feel air fill the space between the sand and my body. And as soon as he touched me I feel more present, more in control. Like he pulled me into the nightmare more. He keeps tugging and pulling, All the while scooting back so I can get on the plank. I grab it and pull myself slowly on the plank. He scoots back and holds it in place for me. 

Finally free of the sand, I get up, he hugs me tight. We both turn to her when she screams loudly. She looks enraged, and grabs Sexy's hair tighter and slashes his throat before we can move. And she doesn't stop there like in all the other nightmares I had. No, she stabs him repeatedly, killing him faster. I want to run to him, to stop her, but Romeo holds me tight. 

Suddenly I hear my name, well not my name but Aqua. Loudly like the voice of a God. I look around but don't see anything. And with the next calling I leave the nightmare. 

I sit upright, and collide with Jungkook's jaw. "Aqua? Are you okay?" He asks me rubbing his jaw. I feel tears leave my eyes, my forehead throbs in pain. "Jungkook? What?" I ask looking around. I expect Romeo to charge into the room, but nothing happens. Jungkook looks at me, worry clearly for me to see. He woke me up, sighing in relief I hug my knees. 

Fake Love *A BTS Reverse Harem *TwoWhere stories live. Discover now