-Sugar, don't do that.-Cheryl said a little serious, she was making dinner and she couldn't be taking her daughter all the time like her wife does.

-Could I help you with something?.- Toni asked, standing by her side just as Cheryl was going to answer her.

-Mama.-Maddie said jumping on top of her

Toni took her in her arms and giggled making the little girl laugh. "My little flying girl." Toni said moving her through the air. Cheryl shook her head as Toni grabbed Maddie in her arms and moved her around the kitchen.

-Again!.- Maddie said happily. Toni without thinking twice put her up on the counter and the little girl threw herself into her arms again

-And that consent made you envy me.-Cheryl said looking at Toni and the brunette lowered her head a little and murmured a sorry, she did not realize it

-Was I envious of you?.- Maddie asked she was surprised, this whole thing amused her

-Yes.-said Cheryl nodding

Toni was sitting on the sofa, Maddie was by her side close to her and Cheryl was sitting next to the little girl. The three of them were watching Maddie's cartoons, the house was full of peace, only the television was listened to since the twins were at a birthday party so everything was very quiet. Toni reached out the hand with which she hugged Maddie and caressed Cheryl's leg, the redhead looked at her with a smile. Her period had come and she was exhausted so Toni caressed her as that calmed her down and liked her.

Maddie turned her head and watched as Toni caressed Cheryl's leg, with her small hand she took Toni’s hand and guided her to hug her again.

Cheryl was surprised by the action.-What has that come to?.- she ask confused.

-No idea.-answered Toni hugging her little daughter who turned her head and looked at Cheryl with an angry face, confusing her mothers more


-I think she hates me.-said Cheryl later

-Don't say that, babe

-It's true, every time I get close to you or give you a kiss, she looks at me badly.-Cheryl said seriously, lately that happened, the little Topaz looked at Cheryl badly for the fact of approaching Toni and that worried her a lot

Toni thought about it for a moment, her wife was absolutely right. "Do you think she's jealous?" she asked, frowning.

"Let's find out, kiss me, give me attention." She said turning slightly to look at her daughter who is looking at the cartoons. Toni looked at Maddie and moved closer to Cheryl, put her hands on the redhead's cheeks and pulled her to her lips. In a few seconds Cheryl felt hands on her legs that made her move away from her wife, Cheryl and Toni broke the kiss and looked down, Maddie raised her hands for Toni to take her and Toni took her in her arms, then Maddie turned her head and look at Cheryl a little pissed off

-Mommy had a terrible time, she spent the nights crying and... we didn't get along very well.-said Toni caressing Cheryl's back

-I was envious of mommy.- Maddie repeated again she was surprised, she couldn't believe what they were telling her

-A lot, you couldn't stop looking at me badly, you were pissed off and you wouldn't let me get close to mama.- and the redhead remembered...

-Popcorn ready.-said Toni giving a bowl full of popcorn to the twins. Beatrice took them and put them between her and Jason's. Maddie stepped in front and grabbed some popcorn. Toni sat on the sofa next to Cheryl close to each other and when Maddie saw them, she went towards them, she pushed Cheryl away with her hands forcing Cheryl to move to the side so that she would sit right next to Toni. Maddie sat in the middle, leaning on Toni

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