No answers

"Bhaviksha say something, please eat"

She threw her pencil on the table with force and shouted "why should i listen to you??? Did you listen to me when i said to eat ??? It was just a simple request Aarav!! Even that Pratap was ready to eat but you didn't say anything,and from how long are you eating this Salad in dinner??"

She shouted !!! I hope nobody listens.

"Say something Aarav"

"Bhaviksha Taiji makes it for me, to be healthy, fit and fine, and i eat salad in my dinner, even Pratap eats it"

"What will happen if you won't eat it for few days hunh?? Will you become fat in one day itself??? I just said that util i am here eat what i eat, did i said something wrong??"

"Bhaviksha you are making fuss over a very small thing" i said

"Oh really?? Fine take this food, eat it oh sorry you won't eat, throw it or give it some street dogs"

She turned her face away from me.

"Leave Aarav, I don't wanna talk to you" her voice began to shake.

"Listen to me Bh-"

"Why should i listen to you???? Do you listen to me?? Do you listen to me when i ask about your problem? Do you listen to me when i say you to show some expression?? Do you listen to me?? Then why should i?" She snapped at me.

"Bhaviksha would you disrespect you mom if she will make something for you with so much love??? Will you throw it Away?? Will you hurt her??" I asked calmly.

She looked at me, tears were brimming from her eyes.

I sat on my knees besides her. I looked up at her.

I wiped her tears and cupped her cheeks.

"You won't hurt her right?? And from tomorrow Taiji will make me eat all these delicious food what mom will make"

Then i held my ears and said "and i am sorry for not listening to you, i will do what you will say but please don't get upset with me"

She stared at me for quiet few seconds and then said "i will forgive you only if you will eat with me now"

She removed my hands from my ears and smiled.

I felt reliefed.

She took the plate and stood up.

We both sat on the bed.

She tore the chappati from one end, dipped it in Dal makhni and put her hands near my mouth.

I looked at her, she said "i know even you didn't eat anything"

I held her hand and moved it towards her mouth " first you eat and then i will"

She smiled and ate, she then made me feed the next morsel.

Like this we completed the food and drank water.

She kept the plate aside and began to fiddle with her fingers and said "i am sorry, i really made a fuss over a small thing"

"No, it's really not like that, i am lucky to have you as my friend"

She smiled.

"Good night Bhaviksha"

"Good night Aarav"

I went back to my room and slept.

Bhaviksha's POV

Isn't Aarav so cute?? I know i am sorry! was angry with him.

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