Chapter 4: Critical

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The long battle raged throughout the night as many soldiers began to perish and lose hope. The remaining members of the 21st Shock Team regrouped near a building, this was further away from most of the creatures that are being engaged. Yuto was last to arrive at the designated area as screams fill the air and multiple static can be accumulated throughout dead soldier's radios. From the 14 that jumped off the transport aircraft only 6 had regrouped, Mitchell, Alena, Grant, Yuto, Malik, and a quiet swordsman named Griffin. Griffin with his black hair and pale white skin had blood all over him. The blood was from two sources, fallen members and creatures killed. Stained with a pattern of red and darker red.

One thing the few members of the 21st Shock Team needed to do was make a plan. Either work together with other squads, but take longer in clearing the city, or work with the six they have and risk a total squad wipeout. Mitchell didn't take any chances and tapped into a frequency to radio for assistance. Four members of the 6th Platoon also known as Reapers Thorn boosted up to the 21st location. Grant looked around seeing multiple boosters flying everywhere. He checked his gas which was extremely low and asked Yuto for a refuel. Malik did the same. The 6th Platoons members were the last in their platoon.

The 10 of them had to fight till the morning, which is when reinforcements would arrive along with the Special Assualt Unit, and Special Mission Squadron. These are the best of the best, they are tasked with these kinds of missions and take little casualties. Since they were in a different city at the time they will be arriving bright in the morning. For now, Grant and his team had to last a few more hours.

"Grant," spoke Mitchell. "Get your head in the game, man!" 

"Sorry, sir!" shouted Grant.

The game plan was for the 10 of them to eradicate the nearby creatures that are close to the two holes that have been breached in the Siege Dome. Grant gripped his Dual Pistols as they began their dive down. Firing in every direction killing multiple creatures at the time. Grant was in the zone. He made sure to keep his eyes on creatures and not anywhere else. All around them were torn bodies or leftovers from when they were eaten. Grant flew by a few burning buildings that made his visibility low. This indicated that he was flying too low in that area and had to get out immediately. 

"Help me!" shrieked an unknown figure in the corner of Grant's eye while he was ascending further up. 

The Unknown figure was lying still inside a small cornerstore.

Grant flipped and headed back down watching for any large figures in the smoke since large stomps won't help him identify if it's close or further away. The figure was burned extremely badly to the point where it was almost shriveled. Grant looked at the Jacket which said Omega's Compass, which was the 43rd Shock Team. 

The disfigured person, who was hard to tell who or what they were, talked about the blood of a very fast creature and how it burns you to an extreme amount when killing it close. The unknown person also talked about how the creature would spit at soldiers' legs to disconnect and destroy their boosters and have them fall to their deaths. As well as burning their legs in the processes.

"So acid?" asked Grant.

The unknown person coughed as its final last words before deaths were about to be spoken with a really raspy voice.

"It's - acid, Look behind you!" screeched the unknown person.

Grant turned around and dodged to the left as he looked and saw glowing red eyes and a jaw opening with its razor teeth, recolored blood red. Its loud feminine-like shriek deafened the ears of not just Grant, but people nearby. The acid that the creature had spit out, landed directly on the unknown person's body causing it to show skeletal remains. Grant Boosted from the store. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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