Chapter 1: Little Birds

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*Ring Ring* The most generic sounding alarm, which would sooner or later wake up a very tired Grant. The sun had risen in Litmaras, a beautiful city in the East, crime was low because everyone was happy. The military would always patrol the streets with either GABs or patrol cars and multiple air vehicles, sometimes even armored vehicles like TE-Tanks. Birds would be fluttering about making high-pitched noises communicating to nearby birds. The streets bustling with people heading off to work. *Ring Ring.* There it goes again, the same old alarm. But Grant still hasn't awoken. Grant still lays crumpled up in his cold room. It's supposed to snow today. Still, the sun shines as it rises, though clouds partially interrupted half of it. 

"Grant, Grant wake the hell up!" Said Malik, he was Grant's best friend since they were kids. "Come on man! We're going to be late!" 

Grant popped his eye open grabbing Malik's arm as a reflex. For a small moment, Malik looked Frustrated. He then rested his face.

"Nice fade," Grant muttered as he was still half asleep after that adrenaline rush from when he woke up. "Why are you wearing Cadet Formals?" he asked.

"Hm? I don't know, maybe, just maybe it's because of today's graduation!?" yelled Malik. 

Grant paused for a few seconds, then quickly threw his cover as his phone blared his alarm for the 3rd consecutive time.

"Ah man, where's your clothes!?" Malik said in disgust.

"Mate it was hot," Grant answered as he looked for his Formals.

"No way, It's like 39 degrees outside, and it's the beginning of winter, I was freezing walking out there," Malik Uttered as he looked around the surprisingly clean room of a Lazy person. 

Grant ran out of the room with a towel and his clothes as Malik stood in his room looking outside the apartment. The city doesn't have many houses, but instead nice futuristic apartments with two stories to them. They are seen all over the city as they can also benefit from Military personnel who come in from other cities. Though there are still Mansions, they are usually for extremely rich people or High Command for the military. 

Grants room was always dimmed, it was also always freezing. It would be summer and the room would still be ice cold. Malik shivered while looking at pictures. Grant kept a collection of memories and many of them are with Malik and Grant and their old friends. The only thing was, these pictures weren't taken in the city they are in now. These pictures were shot in Laverathen, a city to the SouthWest. A few days after this picture, they were all evacuated from a Siege Dome breach. To this day Grant and Malik have never seen the remaining friends. But the Military has a task to reclaim that city in the upcoming days.

"Alright, I'm ready," said Grant as he entered the room in his formals. 

Malik Chuckled and walked towards Grant patting him on the shoulder. Together they walked down the stairs past the toast his parents left him on the kitchen table before they left for the graduation. His parents drove his sister who was also graduating there early since she is part of the Honor Cadet Committee or the HCC for short. 

The sun was fully covered. The sky dimmed as flurries fell from the sky. Malik called his mom who's car was down the road. The headlights flickering on as if the car awoke from a deep slumber. Grant looked at Malik confused wondering how long his mother has been here. 

"Aye man, I still have to thank you for waking me up, heh," spoke Grant as he itched his head with his winter gloves. 

"Don't mention it," he uttered while looking up at the grey clouds which dropped more and more flurries attaching them to the small trees that were seen throughout the city streets. 

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