Chapter 2: Our Beloved City

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"Rise and shine sweety, you'll be late for your first day of Kindergarten," said Grant's mother. "Awh what a brave little man, you'll be just like your father," 

"Oh, that mans going to be something great I assure you," spoke Grant's father.  "Come on it's time for you to wake up, wake up Grant, wake up, WAKE UP!"

Grant sat up holding his head which was bleeding around from the right side of his forehead. 

"No, no don't, AHHH" screamed a soldier from across the apartment where Grant laid. 

"Oh, shi-" Grant stopped himself.

Moving on the floor slightly he looked to the side to see another one of those creatures staring right at him. Its face burnt like Magma as its eyes weren't like the tall one. This was smaller. It reached for Grant as it opened its mouth. Its teeth started moving like a saw. Towering its hands over Grant he thought this was the end. 

A loud zapping noise was heard and in a split second, the eyes of the giant creature closed as its hand tore through the rest of the apartment sending tons of parts flying out. GABs were heard as more screams were heard as well. Grant pulled himself to see the ground which was covered with these huge creatures and dead Citadel soldiers and Cadets. A loud rumbling sound was heard on the right of Grant. He thought it was the apartment falling or a building falling somewhere else. 

Wiping the blood from near his eyes he looked to his right to see something crawling extremely fast with 4 arms and 2 legs. It was huge. It was only a split second before it flew past Grant and bit a Cadet out of the air sending just his head falling to the ground. 

"Help!" Grant shouted alerting nearby creatures. 

GABs could be heard nearby but there was way too much fighting and screaming to even hear a single cry. 

Grant, with every strength in his body, tried to get up, his arm was messed up but that wouldn't stop him from fighting. The only problem was, his booster was destroyed, along with his left leg and right arm. His head was badly injured as he is concussed. He knew if he jumped down he's soon be surrounded by whatever those things were. But he knew if he stayed in this same position longer he'd end up like the cadet across from him. He picked up his dual pistols gripping one with his right hand even when it hurt like hell. 

A few GABs were heard near the apartment he was trapped in. Yellow bullets passed by the huge opening as well as seeing the Trident and Lightning symbol of the Cadet jacket and shirt. A humming noise can also be heard behind them, this was the superior TE: Tanks. The Tank fired a red round while hitting one of those tall creatures as it blew up into pieces. The only problem was with the reload time the TE: Tanks wouldn't do so well alone. A Citadel soldier passed by the opening along with multiple cadets. One of them slowed down when she saw Grant. Her lips moved but Grant had no idea what she was saying. 

Grant limped slowly to the edge of the opening where the TE: Tank rolled through. The girl came towards Grant giving him a lift by picking him up. Grant's back was killing him. Looking at the ground he saw that the creature's bodies slowly shrunk and burn. The TE: Tanks would spray a substance that would make them evaporate, with that goes everyone it's eaten in it. The battle wasn't over but the last few evacs were leaving and a full retreat was ordered.

The unknown cadet girl dropped Grant at the TE: Tank where he was placed inside the huge armored vehicle and was driven back to be evacuated. He slowly began to lose consciousness and became even dizzier. He'd surely die of an infection from his head wound or complications from being concussed if he stayed out there longer. It became dark fast and few knew that these creatures get more aggressive during that time. A full retreat was in place.

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