In other words, it is now impossible to use that to escape... But man, that Anties King is really like a cockroach, isn't he? Like, when in the heck did you even get there?

While I was there complaining at the absurdity of the Anties King, I noticed some change in the Anties Queen's condition. First and foremost was its aura. Because unlike its weak and fragile presence from before, the monster was now able to release her fear inducing malice.

Okay, she's pissed. Incredibly pissed. Of course, using Assess on the monster told me that the Anties Queen was still fatally wounded. And probably because of that, the malice the monster was releasing wasn't as overbearing as when it was still in full health. But in a sense, even such desperate struggle could pose a different kind of threat. After all, a wounded and cornered beast has a huge tendency to charge at its enemy in a reckless abandon.

Realizing that the Anties Queen was about to go on a rampage, I came to a decision that it would be for the best to put some more distance between us. Though to be honest, it was kind of debatable whether it would be really possible to do so.

Yeah, it will be much preferable to get the heck out of this place.

Unfortunately, as I was about to turn around, the damnable Anties King chose that moment to turn towards us. Oh, boy. Then with a screech, the Anties King called out to the other ants nearby before charging straight to us. And on its back, the remnants of the Anties Queen's meal were following behind in a haphazard rush.

You've got to be kidding me. Did they just give up on their Queen?! But as if answering that question, the Anties Queen that has been resting up to now flapped her wings in a flurry, and flew towards the Cerberus. Oh, so that guy simply recognized the fact that he can't do anything against the Cerberus. Wait, this is not the time for that!! After chastising myself for over analyzing the ant's actions, I turned towards the Gigarillon whilst thinking to myself; I will leave this guy behind if he doesn't agree to run.

But as if reading my thoughts from afar, I saw the Gigarillon making a run for it before I could even start. Huh?! I yelped in surprise. Oy!! Wait a damn minute you traitorous son of an ape!!

Seeing that the ape had beaten me to the punch, I moved my legs and tried to follow behind. But since my body hasn't fully recovered yet, the most I could do was only to jog and even that was proving to be quite a difficult task. "Huff... Huff... Huff..." While trying my best to supply my veins with oxygen, I continued to force my heavy legs in an attempt to catch up.

D-damn it! But try as I might, it seemed like the muscles on my legs were already at their limit, so it was impossible for me to keep up. And to make matters worse, I was also starting to slow down. At this rate, those ants will catch up.

In truth, I could probably push through this situation by using Shadow Augment on my legs. But since my condition has already reached this stage, further using enhancement would most likely have some detrimental effects. And more than that, I was also certain that I would need to fight later on. The problem was; it's either I use that now or face these ants to death.

Faced with such desperate choices, I couldn't help but curse at my luck. Shit! And so, left with no other option, I once again applied Shadow Augment, on my legs.

At that moment, I felt a painful sensation on my legs as the skill forced my muscles to tense and contract. "Grah!!" But in exchange of that pain, the strength on my legs had begun to come back, which of course helped me in further increasing my speed. Because of that, I managed to keep up with the Gigarillon while also keeping my distance from that gang of ants.

Of course, it wasn't as if the pain on my legs was gone. In fact, it just kept on getting worse. "Guh!" But instead of letting that pain hinder me, I chose to swallow it down and followed behind the Gigarillon.

To my surprise, it seemed like the Gigarillon had a destination in mind. And not long after I had realized that fact, my eyes caught a glimpse of another exit in the far-off distance. So, that's it!! Upon seeing that, the two of us ran straight to that exit without even looking back.

Unfortunately, the Anties King was as stubborn as I had expected him to be so the monster didn't even hesitate to follow us inside. This guy! Peeling my attention away from that ant, I continued to follow the Gigarillon in every twist and turn of that path. After all, I couldn't afford to be caught isolated in my state.

Damn! It's about to run out! I cursed upon noticing the fading effects of Shadow Augment.

In that same instant, the Gigarillon turned to another path. And when I followed behind, I realized that the path was slightly slanted upward. But upon looking forward, I saw the Gigarillon smashing his fist into the wall whilst running up the path.

Accompanied by a banging sound, the entire area shook every time the ape slammed his fist into the wall. D-don't tell me? At that moment, I finally understood. This ape wants to collapse this path!!


Author's note:

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