Chapter 1 : Shit place, Shit day

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Annabeth's POV

Why, oh why did they have to wait out the storm on an island filled with the planet's greatest scum?

Why hadn't they sailed around it?

Why did Reyna insist on docking on an island known for harbouring so many pirates the Royal Navy was scared of approaching it?

And, most of all, why did Katie seem to be enjoying the horrific bar they were in?

Annabeth looked around the table. Jason, Frank, Hazel, Leo. They all seemed to be enjoying their time as much as she was, which was to say, not at all.

Reyna seemed to be in a better mode than usual, no longer wearing her dark and brooding expression, slowly taking sips of whatever she was drinking every once in a while, as if she was expecting something, or someone.

When Reyna wasn't drinking, she was playing with on of the rings in her finger. It was jet black, with a silver "T", beautiful in all aspects, which is why Annabeth didn't understand why Reyna never talked about it.

Katie, on the other hand, had a gleam in her eyes that Annabeth had never seen before, and was smiling giddily.

"Katie!" Annabeth whisper shouted to get her attention. "How can you enjoy being around these types of people?"

"Careful with what you say, or some people might think you're redcoats." A boy warned with a wink, suddenly appearing next to Katie. He had curly hair and cerulean blue eyes, and Katie's face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw him. "Care for a dance, darling?". He asked, this time speaking to Katie.

To Annabeth's surprise, Katie beamed at him. "I'd never say no to that." She said, getting up.

"Did- did that just happen?" Jason asked, looking as confused as a fish in the desert.

Reyna chuckled, wearing a knowing smile, which was odd. "Yes. Yes it did."

"Reyna, you barely smile, why are you smiling now, when we're here of all places?" Annabeth asked.

"You wouldn't understand." Reyna sighed, shaking her head.

"Then help us understand." Leo pleaded. "Why are you enjoying your time when you're surrounded by the baddies?"

Reyna rolled her eyes. "You do realise not all pirates are evil bitches than just like to kill people, right? Some of them are just people who want to make a living out on the open sea."

"Yeah, tell that to all the pirates you've killed." Jason muttered, seemingly forgetting Reyna's supersonic hearing.

Reyna pressed her glass against her forehead and shook her head slightly. "How many pirates have I killed, or ordered you to attack, without them attacking us first?"

Annabeth thought for a moment, then decided silence was the best option. Reyna had indeed never ordered them to attack anyone without them being attacked first.

Instead of facing Reyna and the embarrassment she'd most definitely be handing out, Annabeth instead looked around the bar to see what kind of pirates they were around.

At one table, she saw two boys, one with messy blond hair and a massive smile, the other with black hair and pale skin. The second boy kept glancing over at Hazel, as if he recognised her from somewhere.

She continued to look around and saw Katie dancing with the same boy from moments before, and she was still smiling like she'd won in life.

Annabeth's eyes then fell on a table in the opposite side of the room, from which a tall, burly man had just stomped off from.

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