"Yes, it is." Ciel blushed furiously then, burying his hands in the length of his night shirt, his eyes moving back to Sebastian's hand, which maintained the gentle caress of Ciel's naked flesh. He trembled, goosebumps again rising on his skin. Sebastian smiled at the sight and stopped moving, letting his hand lay motionless on Ciel's thigh. "It is not a requirement, Bocchan, if that is what's causing you to fret. It is merely an offer."

"An offer." The young Lord repeated softly.

"Yes." There was another span of silence, Sebastian watching as his Master wrapped his head around their discussion, genuinely enjoying the sight of the little Lord in such a flustered state, betraying his ever-confident outer façade.

"So... that's why he wants me?" Sebastian lowered his head a little, the mere mention of Claude brought his blood to boil, and he found it nearly impossible to hide the look of disgust at the mere thought of that foul butler placing hands on his young Master.

"I would assume so, yes." The silence spanned out minutes, and to Ciel it felt like hours before he finally managed to whisper the question, still doing his best to dance around the heart of the matter.

"Then... is that what you want from me?" Smiling reassuringly, Sebastian squeezed Ciel's thigh gently, privately enjoying the feel of his supple flesh. Sebastian caught Ciel's eyes with a softened gaze, looking kindly at his young Lord. His voice may have been so smooth as to elicit trust, but his words dripped with desire and a yearning that made Ciel curl his toes, which were still hidden by the night shirt.

"Bocchan. What I want from you is your soul. I want to fulfill our contract and devour you entirely, and I am famished beyond words." He looked Ciel over, taking in the sight of him and imagining for only a moment the taste of that sweet soul on his lips. He groaned softly and looked away, catching his lower lip between his teeth, biting softly, using the pain to force down the ravenous hunger he felt. After taking a brief moment to regain his composure, he looked back to Ciel, their eyes locked as Sebastian continued on, speaking softly, his words still thick with desire. "That being said, I am certainly capable of pleasing my Master any way he wishes, until such time as our contract is fulfilled." Fingertips danced farther up Ciel's thigh, slipping beneath the edge of his white shorts, making the young Lord's breath catch in his throat. "Do you understand?" Ciel nodded, eyes still wide and fixed upon Sebastian's wandering fingers, his muscles tensed at the exploration and he let out a ragged breath.

"I understand." he whispered softly, the quiver in his voice mimicking his trembling thighs. "It's my choice, then?" Sebastian finally removed his hand from Ciel's thigh and slipped his fingers under the boy's chin instead, lifting his face until their eyes met.

"Yes, Bocchan. It is your choice." Ciel nodded a final time and leaned into Sebastian's hand a little, closing his eyes, lulled into a false sense of security at the assurance he wouldn't be turned into an involuntary whore for his own butler's amusement. "Have I set your mind at ease, my Lord?"

"Yes Sebastian. Thank you." The butler smiled, pinching Ciel's cheek softly between thumb and forefinger.

"Good. You should smile then. Frowning will give you premature wrinkles." Ciel laughed a little in spite of himself and relaxed back into the pillows behind him, the tension he felt beginning to fade.

"I'm sure I have plenty of time to get wrinkles." Sebastian raised an eyebrow at that but dismissed the implication of there being a great deal of time left in his young Lord's life.

"Will there be anything else, Master?" Ciel thought for a moment, weighing his options before he spoke again.

"Yes." He curled his legs up beside him, leaning against his pillows with his head resting in his palm. "Stay with me a while. I'm not feeling well... since Trancy forced me to drink that horrendous lemonade..."

Children's Games (a Sebaciel Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ