I sucked her neck, making her hiss.

"Let's do it if you want me to forgive you." I whispered.

"My legs hurts~" She said while looking down.

"You don't need to move tho, I can carry you."


Oh god third round for today?

"Umm but....."

"No buts, yes or not?"

I pouted. Looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Quick answer me."

"Can we just wait tomorrow?"

"Fine,tomorrow you're going to pay me."

"I love youu." I kissed his cheek.

Then Yeonjun came back.

"Hello!" I waved my hands happily.

"Hi~ Do you guys want to eat something? I've bought some foods...."

"I want!!"

Hoshi carried me in his arms and walked to the dinning table.

"Why you carry her? She have legs."

"No. This young lady went to have sex with her ex and he got so fucking rough, now she can't walk." Hoshi put me on the chair.

"W-What??? You mean Yoongi?" Yeonjun look at us.

"No,Jimin." Hoshi said while glaring at me.

"What?! Why did you go and find him??!!"

"Because I have something to ask....." I pouted again.

Hoshi lifted my clothes showing him all the hickeys.

I immediately pull my shirt back and looking down.

"Lift it again." He stare at me.

I shook my head and looking down.

"Lift it up before I tear your sweater to pieces."

I slowly lift my clothes and Hoshi was looking other places don't know what to say.

Yeonjun stares at the hickeys then he look at me.

"There's so many!!! He almost eat your whole person!!"

I remain silence. I'm scared if they don't wanted to talk with me.

"Can you just be a good girl and stop having sex with anyone you like?" Yeonjun said while pointing at me.

I just like a kitten who got scold for making the case broke.

"If you keep doing like this I'll send you back to your home."

"No no! I'm sorry I won't do it again..."

"And never call anyone daddy!" He slammed the table.

I flinched. "O-Okay.....I'm sorry~" I coquettish again.

"Come you're going to sit on my lap."

Hoshi look at him and immediately grab my hands "No!! This morning you just fucked her so now she supposed to be mine!"

"Well we just let y/n choose."

"I-I want to sit Hoshi's lap!"

I know if I choose Yeonjun then Hoshi's is going to be very mad.

He laughed and shouted "HAHA!! She wants me bruh!"

He make me sit on his lap and Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

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