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Time skip: After 5 months.
Location: Company

Yoongi need to go to his company to do his works and I'm his assistant.

Yoongi's floor was 28th, Jimin's office had changed to 20th floor.

It's okay I don't need to saw him tho.

Yeonjun and Hoshi had came to our company to work and Yeonjun was at 27th while Hoshi was in the 24th.

I was sitting in Yoongi's office couch while he was busying on his works.

I always sit on the couch because my tummy was kind a heavy if I stand too long.

"Baby, can you help me bring the documents from Yeonjun? Or if you can't I'll take it by myself." Yoongi said while looking at me.

"It's okay! I wanted to walk around too! Did you told him already about the document?" I asked and stand up slowly.

"Yes yes, you just ask him to give you the document." He said while looking back to his work.

"Okay I'll be quick."

"Be careful!" He said while I stepped out from his office.

I walked to the elevator and I met Jennie, my new friend.

"Hi y/n! Where are you going?" She asked while walking towards the elevator with a documents on her hands.

"Hi Jennie, I'm going to 27th floor to grab some documents, what about you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm going to hand Mr.Park this document." She smiled to me.

The elevator arrived and we both stepped in.

"O-Oh, you mean Mr.Park Jimin?" I said while looking at her.

"Yes, is there any problem?" She said while checking the document.

*Ding* the elevator arrived 27th.

I waved my hand to her and stepped out from the elevator.

I walked to Yeonjun's office and knocked.


"Come in!" He responded.

I open his door and walked in. Then I walk straight to him and he handed me a black colored file for me.

"Tell Yoongi hyung that this document I've done all, and there's another one I'll pass it to him later." Yeonjun said while looking at me.

"Okay~ I'll tell him." I said and give him a smile.

"Bye I gotta go!" I said while walking towards his office and open his door.

"Bye be careful!" Yeonjun shouted.

???'s POV

After I arrived my floor, I walked straight towards the office.

I open the door and walked in.

"Here's your file." I put the file on the desk.

"She's here."

"Alright. Thanks."

End of POV


I walked back the elevator and went back to 28th.

Not long I arrived 28th.

I walked back to Yoongi's office.

"Here you go~ Yeonjun said he'll pass you the another one." I hand him the document.

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