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"I'll send you the location Yeonjun-ssi!" I said while walking out from the restaurant.

"Sure! See you later!" He said while walking towards his car.

We walked to our car too.

Yoongi was walking beside me while putting his hands on my waist.

We get in the car, and Yoongi help me with the buckle.

Yoongi started the engine, and put his left hand on my thigh.

I put my hand on his cold hand, and rub his hand.

"Yah~I finally met the cute boys! I miss them so much! Do you miss them too y/n?" mum asked.

"Of course I do! It's been a long time we haven't met, almost 10 years mum!" I giggled.

Yoongi tighten his grip on my thigh. I look at him but he just focus at the front.

"Look y/n your husband is jealous~" dad teasing us.

"Nah he's okay dad." I said while looking at him.

He scoffed.

"Baby~ Please don't be mad~" I said while looking at him with puppy eyes.

"I'm not." He didn't look at me.

I pouted. He turn his head and look at me and give me peck.

He turn his head back again.

Time skip: Arrived home-5:00pm

I get down the car, and stand infront the gate.

Not long I was a white BMW come.

It was Yeonjun and Hoshi.

I opened the gate and let them drive in.

And the gate shut after I go in.

Yoongi has standing infront the main door after parking the car.

Dad and mum had walked into the house.

"Wah y/n your house.....I mean mansion......" Hoshi looked around.

Both of them are looking around while I giggled to them.

"Let's go in!" I said to them.

Let slowly walked into the house while Yoongi shut the main door for us.

"We'll go to my room." Yoongi said to them while putting the carkeys in the key holder.

They was still looking around, but nodded after hearing what Yoongi said.

We went upstairs and went straight to Yoongi's room.

Yoongi pushed his door and we all went in.

"W-Woah....." They looked around Yoongi's room.

" They looked around Yoongi's room

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