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I opened my eyes. Found myself was lying on a bed.

My body was naked. My body was covered by many hickeys. I immediately get up and look around.

Where am I? It looks familiar.....

I screamed out loud.

A person came in, he was shirtless.

"Hi baby~"

It was Jimin. He was holding a cup of juice. I immediately cover my body with the blanket.

"What dis you do to me?! Park Jimin can't you just leave ma alone?!" I yelled.

"What are you covering? I saw everything last night."

"Y-You BASTARD!!" I shouted.

"Calm down. I didn't cum inside."

"Why did you do this to me??"

"Let me show you a picture."

Jimin stood up and walk to his drawer.

Then he came and sit beside me and showed me a picture.

It was Yoongi holding a girl's hand.

I felt so empty in my mind right now.

Is it true?

I take a closer look.

Yes. It was him. And the girl. Jennie.


"W-What is this?" I said with shaking voice.

"Can't you see it? Your dearest husband and your friend Jennie." He sip the juice calmly.

"Where did you get this photo?"

"Of course, I got my own way."

So Yoongi keep coming home late was because of this?

Wow. I get it right. He's changing like Jimin.

All of his words are lies. LIES!!!

He fucking lied to me. I loved him. So much.

My heart broken into millions pieces.

Jimin smirked as he took the photo away.

"I'm sorry to show you this. But you need to know" He whispered.

I started to cry out loud. As loud as I could.

Jimin was sitting beside me watching at me doing nothing.

He looks enjoy. I hit the bed harsly and I screamed

"Why....WHY??!!!" I keep shouting and crying. Just like someone I love just passed away.

After 17 minutes

I finally calm myself, but still sobbing.

Jimin walk to his closet and took his hoodie and put it on the bed.

"Wear it." He sat back to the couch.

I slowly took it and wear it. This is my first time wearing his hoodie.

I felt so hopeless.

"Where's my phone..."

Jimin took my phone out and give it to me.

20+ miss call from Hoshi, and 5 from Yoongi.

I called Hoshi, not long he picked up.



:I'm okay..... Did Yoongi called you?

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