I'm 16 when he first force himself in me. And I can't fight him. I'm still small and scrawny, as my wolf is still not mature inside of me. But it doesn't mean that he can't feel what I'm feeling. Because like me he also feel disgusted that someone who is not our mate is touching us. Its so humiliating. I really wanted to fight him but to hurt a human is a big taboo for us, that's why I just took everything without complain...

Remembering it all filled me with so much sorrows as tears start to flow out from my eyes, blurring my vision as I walk towards my car..

When can I finally be free from all of this?


Two years after...

Its Sunday, and coincedentally at midnight I'm going to be18. There is a full moon, and I can feel my wolf itching to came out.

But like every Sundays, Kingston take me to the old ware house behind the college. And like always he is going to use me again, but not like before I didn't resist this time. I just let him do me. As I my body become tired of fighting.

Suddenly a bubbling heat blossomed deep in me.

"What's going on?!" He yelp in surprise as he jump away from me.

I just smile wickedly at him, then I felf my body starts to morph. Every muscles in my body starts to expand, while my bones grew. Filling my body completely.

"What the fuck?!" He scream, when I stood up looking more differently than before.

I grew from 5'7, to a complete 6'7 tall. My scrawny and skinny body completely transform to full buff, as my shoulders become wider, my arms and legs are full of strong muscles while my once flat stomach are filled with 8 solid packs.

My mind starts to swirl, as adrenaline continue to pump all over my veins. Everything slowly become a blurred while I look at Kingston, as my wolf finally took hold of my mind and body.

When I gain back control over my body, it's already too late. Kingston is already dead... His body parts were scattered all over the place, while my body is completely wet by his blood soaking me from head to toe.

And I can't remember everything that happened..

Looking around I saw that the whole place is painted with red, and when I move my eyes to look at the bloody floor I can't help but to let out a blood curling scream when I saw his head on the ground which is completely detach from his body situated directly in front of me. His eyes were lifeless, as it look up at me with so much fear.


Back to present....




My heart is full with so much emotions that I can't lift my head to look at Masha while I told him, about that night.

"Lo.." Masha murmur, then suddenly he surprised me when he jump at me and hold me gently on his arms. "Its not your fault.. You didn't kill him without reason. Your wolf felt that he is a threat to you that's why he took hold of your body to defend you.."

I shook my head, and pull away a little. "There might be reason, but it didn't change the fact that I'm still the one who killed him."

Masha's eyes glisten when he look at me. And my heart throb when I saw his eyes become sorrowful.

"Everything has its own reason why we decided to commit such things in life. Sometimes, its reasonable but sometimes its not. However it doesn't change the fact that we actually do the act, so we need to be responsible for it." Masha state as he took hold of my chin while he smile gently at me.

I Belong To You ( man x boy )Where stories live. Discover now