Vol. 2 Ch. 15 Mission Time

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Your POV

I woke up with Pyrrha's head resting on my bare chest with the rest of her body cuddled up against me. I smiled as I kissed her hair and gently shook her awake. She slowly opened her breathtaking vivid green eyes and said, "Good morning, Y/N." I smiled and said, "Good morning, Pyrrha. You should probably get ready, your team has their first mission today." She yawned and said, "Yeah. I'll miss you." I kissed her forehead and said, "I'll miss you too." Pyrrha gave me a quick peck on the lips and got up. I looked away since she still didn't have a bra on. She looked at me and said, "Oh, come on, Y/N. I don't mind if you look." I sighed as I blushed and said, "Are you sure you don't mind?" She laughed lightly and said, "Of course not. We've been together long enough that I don't mind." I nodded and said, "As long as you're okay with it. I don't want to make you feel like you have to force yourself out of your comfort zone." She kissed me on the cheek and said, "That's why I love you." I smiled as I rolled over to face her. I looked at her sexy body and blushed slightly at how hot she was with almost nothing on. I just looked at her and said, "Damn, you're hot. I'm so happy to be your boyfriend. Your body is so beautiful and sexy." She blushed as she let out a small giggle and said, "Thanks.  To be honest, you're the first person to see me like this." I smiled and said, "Well, you're beautiful." She smiled and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I sighed to myself and heard my Scroll go off. I picked it up and saw a message from my Ozpin.

I smiled and then messaged my sister to tell her the news

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I smiled and then messaged my sister to tell her the news.

I smiled and then messaged my sister to tell her the news

Oups ! Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Afin de continuer la publication, veuillez la retirer ou télécharger une autre image.

I put my Scroll back on the nightstand and got up. Just as I was putting on my jacket, Pyrrha exited the bathroom in her usual outfit. I smiled and said to her, "Let's go." After Ozpin gave his little speech, I turned to Pyrrha and said, "So I'll be joining my sisters' team on their mission. I'll see you after the mission. I love you." She smiled and said, "I love you too." Then we both shared a brief but wonderful kiss, and went to join each other's team.

After the Bullhead had dropped us off and we had started to take out the Grimm, Doctor Oobleck asked me, "So, Mr. Branwen, why do you want to be a Huntsman?" I finished up killing another pack of beowolves that were roaming the streets. Upon hearing his voice, I see him observing another species of plant growing in the sidewalk. I answered him, "Well, I guess I want be able to protect the people I care about, and make sure that everyone can have a wonderful life. I want to be like my dad, and always help others in need." Oobleck doesn't say anything, instead, he turned around to look at Ruby. Ruby noticed and immediately straightened herself to hear Oobleck's next orders, and said, "Sorry! Are we ready to keep going?" He replied, "Nope, I believe that will have to do for today. It's going to be dark soon." He throws his pack to Yang, who catches it with ease. Then he said, "You three set up camp in that building. Oh, and please make sure there are no more of those... creatures. Your leader, Y/N, and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come you two."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I also made some changes to Y/N's semblance, so make sure to check them in the Character Bio.
Master out.

Magnetic Connection: Pyrrha Nikos X Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant