Vol. 1 Ch. 1 Welcome To Beacon

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Your POV

I had managed to catch a Bullhead heading to Beacon Academy. I was sitting in the back when I heard a familiar voice say, "Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" I smirked as I got up and walked over towards my cousin and my half-sister. Gasping, Ruby said, "Please stop." Releasing her sister, Yang said, "But I'm so proud of you!" Ruby replied, "Really Sis, it was nothing." My cousin said, "What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees." My half-sister replied, "I don't want to be the 'bee's knees', okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees." Yang then asked, "What's with you? Aren't you excited?" Ruby answered, "Of course I'm excited... I just... I got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or anything." Yang went over, gave her sister a one-armed hug, and said, "But you are special." I leaned against the wall next to them and said, "You're both special." They both turned to face me and Ruby said, "Y/N!" She tackled me into a hug and said, "I've missed you so much, Big Bro!" I smirked as I ruffled her hair and said, "I missed you too, sis." I stood up and said, "Hey, sis, how have you been?" Yang smiled and said, "Pretty good. Is Uncle Qrow with you?" I shook my head and replied, "No. Dad had a few more missions to take care of. So he sent me on my way here. How's Uncle Tai?" She nodded and said, "He's fine. He's still teaching at Signal Academy." I nodded and said, "That's good."

Ruby said, "Oh, wow! Look, you can see Signal from up here!" Ruby and other students looked through the glass walls at the town below. Then she added, "I guess home isn't too far after all!" Yang replied, "Beacon's our home, now." The three of us heard a passenger groaning and hunched over nearby, running to the back of the ship. I spoke up and said, "Well... I guess the view isn't for everyone." Ruby replied, "It was a nice moment while it lasted."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and enjoy this fanfic.
Master out.

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