twenty three : erased

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twenty three : erased

      ELAINE SILENTLY SAT IN THE CHAIR IN FRONT OF THE HOLOGRAM, WATCHING AS THE NUMBERS OF PEOPLE WHO WERE ERASED KEPT CLIMBING. Her eyes lingered on Bucky's picture as it kept its spot next to the counter. The Avengers Compound was quiet and dark, seeing as it was nighttime outside.

Everyone was either sleeping, pretending to sleep, trying to sleep, or just in their rooms. Elaine watched as the counter was rapidly rising, and she rubbed her sore eyes with the palm of her hand. She was barely watching the counter, just focusing on the image of Bucky Barnes.

She finally stood and began walking to the kitchen to make another cup of coffee. Her brain wasn't functioning how she wanted it to, even though she had been staring at a still image all night. In a mirror's reflection, she saw the gun Bucky held almost one month ago, and instead of speaking, or maybe even crying, her face contorted into anger.

      She smashed the mirror with her hand, accidentally slicing her palm from the glass shards. When she pulled her hand back, she watched as the droplets of her crimson blood began falling into the sink. It was like they were moving in slow motion, the cut in her palm gushing out her blood.

      Her vision suddenly blurred, and she could only remember a piece of her past she cherished every day, only now it pained her to see the memory.


      The gyms in Wakanda were unique. They were padded in the necessary spots, with no mirrors, and many, many weapons. Elaine continued to punch the punching bag with her clenched fists, not stopping like she should.

      From the sidelines, Shuri stood by, watching the red headed woman loose control of her emotions once again. "You are doing it again."

      Elaine could hear the words being drawn out of Shuri's mouth in boredom — Shuri hated watching Elaine learn control, she thought it was boring. Elaine stopped punching, turning her body glowing with sweat to the right to face the Princess.

      "Well, what do you want me to do? Pretend the punching bag is a kitten and pet it until it goes meow?" Elaine snapped, throwing her arms out to her sides.

      Shuri actually smiled at the harsh words, hopping from her spot on the sidelines and walking to stand in front of Elaine. "Try this," Shuri handed Elaine a knife, one with a blue tinge in it when shone in the right light. "it's made of vibranium — obviously — and just press the button!"

      Elaine was confused at the excitement radiating from the woman, and she decided to press the black button on the bottom of the grip. It suddenly turned into a double-bladed knife, and now Elaine was interested.

      "What is this?" Elaine breathed out in astonishment from another one of Shuri's odd inventions.

      "Just wait until you feel it, and the knife will lead you!" Shuri explained before rushing out of the training facility, probably for her own safety. "Sorry, don't want you to kill me!"

      When the door closed, Elaine's body began moving in sync with how she thought the knife would want for her to go. It was strange, a simple object leading her whole body to do skilled moves.

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