seventeen : mind stone

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seventeen : mind stone

      WAKING UP IN WAKANDA WITH NO MEMORIES OF WHAT HAPPENED WHEN SHE DIED WAS A SET BACK. When Steve explained what happened, Elaine felt guilty knowing that Bucky went into cyro-freeze thinking he permanently killed her. So she stayed in Wakanda for a little over a year, waiting for Bucky to wake up when he came out.

      The pure look of relief and happiness on Bucky's face was a look she wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon. She spent a little over a month with him in Wakanda, in which they grew close before Steve came back to pick her up. From then on, she, Steve, Sam, and Natasha were on the move together. She had visited Wanda and Vision — who were now a very cute couple — before going on the run.

      She had missed Bucky and Shuri's company very greatly, and she even checked on Sharon a few times. In the time they were on the run, people kept recognizing them too easily, which forced Steve to grow out a beard, and made Nat and Elaine dye their hair. Natasha went for a platinum blonde which reminded Elaine of Pietro, while Elaine dyed her hair jet black.

      Clint and Scott had gone back to their families with no charges pressed against them, and Elaine was very glad she didn't have to drag them away from their families so they had go on the run as well.

      Rummaging around the hotel room, Elaine bursted into Sam and Steve's conjoined room. The two men looked up at her sudden appearance with worry etched on their faces.

      "What's wrong?" Steve asked, noticing the distant look on her face.

      "It's complicated." She told them. "I can feel Wanda's pain, and there's an enemy that is putting the universe at stake. He's an alien, and he goes by the name of Thanos. He had his "children" attack New York, and they were after a stone. They successfully kidnapped the keeper of it, which Tony is working on... In space."

      "One of the Infinity Stones Thor was talking about. The Time Stone. They're after Vision for the Mind Stone." Nat made her presence known from behind Elaine.

      "We need to go. Now." Elaine urged, and they all nodded.


Elaine wore a suit similar to Natasha's, only hers was white with dark blue highlights. Wakanda made her the suit for when she trained in hand to hand combat, and was learning the extent of her new powers. They sewed the vibranium into her suit just in case she accidentally hurt herself or needed extra protection.

Elaine led them to a train station, allowing Steve to head in first. Proxima Midnight, one of Thanos' children, noticed Steve lingering in the shadows, causing her to throw her alien weapon at him. Steve caught it with ease, shocking the alien.

Steve stepped into the light, causing Vision and Wanda to smirk. With Proxima distracted, Sam flew in and kicked her away, leaving Corvus Glaive, another child of Thanos, standing in shortage of what to do. Sam used his technology to blast small missiles at the male alien, distracting him as Nat and Elaine ran to him.

Nat had been thrown the weapon Steve caught and Elaine made a glowing energy surround her body with her whole eyes glowing, thrusting her hands forwards to weaken the alien with her powers. Natasha slid under his legs, throwing Elaine the weapon. Elaine caught the sword-like weapon and rammed it into Corvus' stomach, causing him to look at her in shock and disbelief.

He forced the pain away as he tried attacking Elaine with his own weapon. She used the grip she had on Proxima's weapon to flip over it and under, causing the swing to fly past her head. Now standing, she used the advantage of his thighs being at an angle, allowing her to hoist herself up and kick him in the face. She twirled in the air before landing on her feet next to Natasha, who was quite proud of Elaine's fighting skills.

Still having the grip on the handle when Corvus fell, it pulled the weapon out of him. It wasn't in her hands for long, though, as Proxima used her connection to the weapon to make it fly back into her hands. Proxima ran at Elaine, trying once to shove her weapon into Elaine, but the powerful woman caught the sword by the blades, which didn't draw a drop of blood from her because of the energy around her body protecting her. She used her grip to pull Proxima to her, before swiping her feet from beneath the alien.

Proxima landed on the ground, but quickly stood again, continuing to go after Steve, Nat, and Elaine until Sam came flying in and kicked Proxima to the ground next to her dying brother.

She had lost her weapon, which Elaine now held while Sam pointed his automatic guns at the pair. They knew they were long defeated when they saw Elaine, and continuing the fight was their fault.

Proxima turned to her brother. "Get up!"

Corvus wheezed as he continued dying. "I can't."

"We don't want to kill you." Natasha told them before a smirk appeared on her lips. "But we will."

Proxima looked back to the platinum blonde. "You'll never get the chance again."

She and her brother suddenly got sucked into the air, pulling the alien weapons from Steve and Elaine's hands and sucking them up as well. They watched the large spaceship retreat before they walked to Wanda and Vision.

Natasha put her batons back in their place on her back as Sam extended a hand. "Can you stand?" Sam asked.

Vision gladly took the hand and allowed Wanda and Sam to pull him to his feet. Vision looked up at Steve with a small smile. "Thank you, Captain."

Steve slightly nodded. "Let's get you on the jet."

Wanda looked to her sister, seeing her glowing energy and eyes turn back to normal. She looked at the jet black hair and lightly laughed. "It suits you." Wanda complimented.

Elaine smiled and gave her sister a side hug, seeing as Wanda was helping hold up Vision. "I see you haven't changed the red."

Wanda shook her head. "It let me be more connected to you since you were far away."

Elaine and the others continued to the Quinjet as Elaine looked at her sister. "I was never too far."


On the jet, Nat walked around, slightly on edge as she talked to Wanda. "I thought we had a deal. Stay close, check in. Don't take any chances."

"Sorry. We just wanted time." Wanda sighed, already missing the days of laying low.

"Where to, Cap?" Sam asked from the pilot seat as Elaine sat in co-pilot. Learning to fly the Quinjet from her first year on the run was quite useful, especially when evading the standard cops that were always in the lookout for them and wanting to get a raise.

A long silence filled the air before Steve answered. "Home."

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