nine : murderer

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nine : murderer


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      LAGOS WAS AN AVERAGE CITY. There were children running around, playing freely in the sun that shone over the littered sidewalks. Elaine wasn't one to like tea, so when she ordered an iced coffee at the small café, she was quite annoyed when they said they only serve tea.

      She sat in the shade under an umbrella, enjoying the relaxation and fresh air around her. She had her EDITH sunglasses on, a gift from Tony. The billion dollar glasses were still in their early stages, but they worked similar to Tony's Iron Man suit.

      She poured six of the yellow sugar packets into her tea before stirring it around with her spoon. She looked over her shoulder, seeing Natasha's face and the back of Wanda's head.

      "All right, what do you see?" Steve asked through the earpieces they were wearing. Elaine and Natasha had been on a few missions to find Rumlow without Wanda, but this time they decided to include her.

      "Standard beat cops." Wanda replied lowly from behind Elaine. "Small station. Quiet street. It's a good target."

      "There's an ATM around the corner, which means?" Steve quizzed.

      Elaine set the metal spoon down on the outdoor table. "Cameras."

      "Both cross streets are one-way." Steve continued.

      "So, compromised escape routes." Wanda finished.

      "Means our guy doesn't care about being seen." Steve stated. Elaine could tell from his tone of voice that he was concentrated. "He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out. You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

      "Yeah, the red one?" Wanda observed. "It's cute."

      "It's also bulletproof, which means private security... which means more guns... which means more headaches for somebody. Probably us." Natasha warned.

      "You guys know we can move things with our minds, right?" Elaine checked, taking a sip of her fruity tea. Too much sugar.

      "Looking over your shoulder needs to be come second nature." Natasha advised as the women each looked over their shoulder, meeting each other's eyes.

      "Anybody ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam's voice asked as he was somewhere on a rooftop.

      "Not to my face." Natasha replied. "Why? Did you hear something?"

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