one : revenge

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one : revenge


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ELAINE LISTENED AS HER BROTHER THREW HIMSELF AGAINST THE CELL WALLS. Each time she heard the slam that sent the drumming of her fingers off beat, she'd get more and more frustrated.

The youngest triplet sat on the floor, staring through the glass in front of her. She'd watch as doctors rush past her, their useless white coats flying behind them like a cape. Elaine reached forward, her hand coming in contact with the ice cold glass.

She flinched when another vibration from Pietro was sent through her. "I swear to god Pietro, if you slam against the walls one more time—"

Elaine was cut off by her sister, Wanda. "Elaine, shouting will do no good."

"Oh, so you're taking sides now?" Elaine questioned, turning her head to the wall separating her from her sister.

"What? I don't take sides."

"Yeah? Well—"

Elaine was cut off once more when a volt of electricity shot through her hands. It didn't hurt though, all it was doing was notifying her that her powers were acting up.

Wanda could feel her sister's power running crazy as well, the energy was running through the cells they were in. Wanda dropped the wooden blocks floating in the air from her telekinesis and stood, walking over to her bed and lying down before falling asleep.

Elaine was mumbling to herself, frustrated with how strong her powers were getting. She'd shake her hands, trying to get the powers to go away for just a few seconds, she'd slam her hands against her head, pull her hair, claw at the cold concrete floor, nothing worked. She just wanted to feel normal again. But she knew the outcome and getting revenge on Tony Stark would be worth it all.


It had been one month since then. They had been able to control their powers, leaving them responsible to protect Loki's scepter. They stood, listening to the sounds of planes flying above them.

      "Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack!" A voice boomed through the speakers. The triplets were ready to fight as they watched HYDRA soldiers arm themselves with weapons.

      The triplets felt the building shake from someone trying to pass the energy shield Elaine created. It wasn't long before Strucker came walking through the area the triplets were in.

      "Who gave the order to attack?" Strucker demanded as he walked over to the main security guy.

      "Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers." He answered, pointing to the satellite view on the large screen.

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