Chapter L; The liquor store

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"The prince in my dreams"


That morning Genevieve turns around the corner of her street and stops. She waits for a few seconds, then turns around and watches Cori and Cosima leave. This time though, unlike all other afternoons, she doesn't turn back around and walk the final steps to her dorm. This time she continues staring out at their disappearing figures, only one thing on her mind.

The sun has set a long time ago, the winter time grousome and cold, dark and unwelcoming. The rain is harsh and barely liquid anymore, Genevieve not bothered by the water running down her face. When she can't see Cori and Cosima anymore, she slowly takes a step forwards and continues walking down the road. Wandering from road to road, through houses and trees and parks in the green central area, Genevieve pays no mind to the other people running around and searching for cover. She's a little distracted.

The coldness underneath her drenched jacket does nothing to help against the rain and the wind. Genevieve misses the warmth of a fire and wonders when she'll be home again. Tonight she will get a taste of home at least, tonight she will trick herself. Coughing out, Genevieve makes sure to cover as much as possible of her face so that nobody will recognize her. She hasn't told anyone of her plan, barely confirmed it with herself, but it's better if any potential students who want to hurt her don't know that it's really her. Who knows who could be out there, now that Cori and Cosima have left, thinking that she is safe at home.

Genevieve hasn't really thought of anything but the plan all the way home. She approaches the train station as it comes to view, hiding under the platforms roof and waiting for a new train number seven to appear. The last one must have just left, with Cosima and Cori on it, warm and safe from the rain. Genevieve shudders slightly when she thinks about it, curling in on herself and sighing. Not many people are left by the platform, they don't want to go anywhere but their own homes on this late and rainy afternoon.

With a slight sound a train suddenly approaches the platform, coming to a complete stop as Genevieve and a few others stand up. The automatic doors smoothly slide open, Genevieve entering and looking around the crowded train for an empty seat. She wanders a bit before finding one and sitting down, resting her head back against the wall of the train. She barely notices it moving, closing her eyes and sighing out. She's so tired. Hasn't slept for days. Maybe this next step will help.

Genevieve knows that she has to prepare herself for what is about to come, as she hasn't done anything of the sort in weeks. The memories of the past come flooding in before she can stop them, Genevieve letting it happen. Slowly but surely, drifting off to a hazy subconscious.

The cops won't be bothering them tonight. One of the new kids at the orphanage knew how to hack into the alarm systems, he's worked with bigger cases before.

Quite a genius, that's what Mari said. Genevieve was quick to agree. Fifteen years old, admiring her new partner in crime, the twelve year old kid they call "prince". Prince because he doesn't have a real name, much like the rest of the kids at the orphanage, and because he looks just like the young prince from one of their ripped and old fairytale books still somehow in the orphanage library. Smooth and curly black hair with handsome features, even though he's still growing. But his looks are nothing compared to his skills in hacking, breaking in and stealing. They need those skills, they won't have to teach him anything.

Genevieve is unsure how he learned it. Maybe from his parents, maybe they robbed a bank once or joined a gang. Whatever is possible, nothing is impossible. Genevieve is more interested in the fact that she can walk freely across the empty and dark hallways of the liquor store, not fearing for the cops to come. Prince is standing outside, waiting with an empty backpack ready to be filled with bottles. Genevieve has decided to take some fancy wine, some vodka for the addicts and of course, champagne. Because today is a day of celebration, Prince's first successful heist.

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