Chapter D; Threats and tears

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"Do you understand?"


⚠️ swearing, threats, violence ⚠️

"Mind your own business! Genevieve is our classmate and we have the right to speak with her if we want to!"

Genevieve once again frowns and flinches at the use of her full name. When she got adopted at ten years old, her name was in fact Viv legally. Her parents had never bothered to give her a name, but the orphanage needed one for her to get adopted. Viv was short and sweet. It fit perfectly and it was easy to learn for the quiet child. For many years she stuck with that name and enjoyed it, it suited her so well.

But then at adoption, the rich couple who had trouble conceiving and needed an heir for their fortune walked into the orphanage. They didn't want the woman's brother to inherit everything, because they had different political views. Genevieve never understood it. But either way, they didn't want to adopt a young child or a baby. They wanted someone older, as they too were in their late forties. Apparently the quiet Viv looked the most like an appropriate and well mannered ten year old. It came as a surprise to everyone at the orphanage when she was adopted. Nobody ever adopts the older kids. Nobody.

But Viv wasn't a name for their liking. Rich people have many names. Long names with several syllables that sound fancy and rich, easy to write in cursive and so on. What better name than Genevieve? It fits with Viv, and it starts with the letter G, like their last name Greenberg. They absolutely loved the name, thought themselves to be geniuses. Genevieve didn't like it. She was never asked if she wanted to change her name, never asked to be adopted and frankly everything about her new family was something she didn't ask for. So up until this day, just the sound of someone calling her Genevieve is aggravating.

Before Cori can say anything back, Genevieve stops her. She takes a big step forwards, coming almost nose to nose with the blond girl and pushes her backwards. The girl gets thrown off by her sudden strength and stumbles back. Viv smirks, glances at Cori before jumping at the girl again. She pushes her to the floor and lays her arm over her throat, trapping her there. She then leans down to the girls ear, feeling sure that nobody is trying to stop her because Cori is right there.

"Call me that again and I'll shoot your brains out, got it?"
Viv whispers in her ear, making sure that nobody is listening except for the blond girl. She smiles creepily before getting up, her arm still laying over her throat. Cori crosses her arms and looks down at the two figures, getting impatient. Her training will start soon, she can't afford getting late. She glances at her clock while the other students stare at both her and Genevieve with widened eyes. The blond girl starts struggling in the brunettes grip, but Genevieve only chuckles.

"What? You thought I was scared?"

She was, actually. Genevieve has been scared of everything and everyone for the past few weeks. Both her roommates and her classmates have beat her down, scowled and spit out insults like there is no tomorrow. Not even the strongest of the strong can handle that. Genevieve is more than scared of them, more than tired of this place. She wants to go home, wants to go to Mari and to everything that is familiar again. Here she's stuck, beat down, bullied, suddenly attacked in the streets for no reason. Here she has to be saved by two people she's not even supposed to be talking to. If her roommates found out about Cori saving her like this... Genevieve shudders.

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