Chapter L; Epilouge

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"One last time, we watch the fire that burned turn to a peaceful pile of ash"


"You ready?"

"Of course I am"

"Good, then it's load, fire and burn"


Genevieve practically sprints out of her girlfriends arms, the harsh and dirty pavement hard against her feet as she runs towards the one person she has missed for years. Mari looks older now, she is around 24, tall and muscular, but a warm feeling around her like always. She is holding one of the orphanages babies when they arrive, immediately handing the child to another elder when she spots Genevieve.

The three girlfriends traveled for two days.

First they had to take the train, first thing in the morning, to finally leave Aconite Academy for good. Genevieve shared some tearful goodbyes with her roommates, Cori with hers and Cosima with hers. Cori's roommates were the most emotional, despite their strong figures. Especially the hockey team, who she had lead for three years and been apart of for four years, were very sad to be apart. They promised to see each other again, whether that was on the opposite team or on the same one. For now, they are set apart, out into the real world and away from Aconite Academy.

After getting off the first train in the capital, they continued onto a flight that would take them home. Not to Cori's home, or Cosima's home, but to Genevieve's. Because their story is not over yet. There is one more thing that has to be done, before they can actually continue on with their lives.

Genevieve runs up to hug Mari, the two wrapping their arms around each other with tears. After almost two years apart, they finally get to meet again. Genevieve has never felt more relived. She feels all those nights spent crying, homesick and crazy, finally be over. It was worth it in the end, she got the confidence to do the thing she needed to. After several minutes of hugging and crying, Prince suddenly notices them. He is older now, tall and strong, possibly even more handsome and he practically squeals, very manly like.


Prince wastes no time, running up to them and practically ripping, softly, Mari off Genevieve and engulfing the gray haired girl in a hug. Despite being much taller, he is still just a big soft babie, and he picks up Genevieve and twirls her around like a happy child. This time, Genevieve can't help but laugh, and Mari joins them. A few other orphans and people apart of the gang that they created join in, hugging Genevieve and laughing at an overly excited puppy like Prince. After all those tearful greetings are over, Genevieve turns to her girlfriends who are watching her with fond eyes. She notices a few of the orphans staring at them like they are rare animals, some even poking them and running away. She chuckles.

"Guys, I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriends-"

Mari, Prince and like thirty other people gasp out into the night air. They are standing inside the same abandoned building, a fire burning by the side and forgotten bottles of whiskey and vodka on the floor. Some of the kids that were sleeping are now away, running up to greet Genevieve. It seems like they have all given up on the idea of sleeping inside the orphanage, and Genevieve doesn't blame them. In fact, she is happy for them. Genevieve lets them gasp, pauses and then continues.

"This is Cosima and the red haired one is Cori, we met at the school"

They wave awkwardly and walk up to Mari and the other elders. Genevieve allows them to take her hand in a tight grip while they introduce themselves.

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