Chapter M; It's fate

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"Do you believe in fate?"
Daily reminder that:
Red: Athletics department
Green: Arts department
Blue: Academics department


⚠️ bruises, blood, crying, passing out ⚠️

Genevieve has never had a truly good sense of time, not always at least.

Sometimes the seconds will pass like minutes, other times she'll believe that it's only been a few seconds when in reality it's been hours. Of course that's just when she's distracted or tired. Time is a weird thing that Genevieve can't always explain, can't always follow like everyone else. She hates dictating her life by time, hates looking at the clock and estimating when she needs to start or finish something. Time always ends up catching her off guard.

So it wasn't a surprise for Genevieve when she couldn't tell what time of day it was. She feels her eyes flutter open and closed. Everything is numb and cold, her whole body slowly starts to shiver. Her lips are blue, the rain is pouring down heavily. Darkness looms around her, the streetlights far away from the dark alleyway where she's in. The sound of the raindrops hitting the pavement and drenching her body in water is sickening. Before she knows where she is, or even who she is, Genevieve knows that she will fall sick. The air is cold, the rain is cold and she is cold.

But it's not until she feels a dull throbbing at her head that she comes to be. Upon opening her eyes, slowly, the headache spikes immediately and Genevieve regrets ever waking up. She wishes for death at that moment. Groaning in pain, one of her hands instinctively reaches up to touch her head. But that too is proven to be difficult. In just a moment Genevieve feels all the bruises on her arm, feels the dried blood and the flowing blood drip down and stain her jacket and shirt. Not only that, but her pants too, her pants and her socks and her everything.

There is blood everywhere. It feels like a nightmare.

Genevieve takes shaky and deep breaths to calm herself down and keep herself from crying. It stop the tears and the panic, but unlike other times it doesn't push down the lump in her throat. This is not like the other times she has woken up with bruises covering her body. This time feels worse, it feels so much worse. Waking up alone in a wet and cold alleyway, having no idea how much time has passed, having no idea how hurt she is. Genevieve can stop the tears, but there is no way she can stop the will to cry.

The rational part of her brain tells her to get up and go home. She doesn't want to get any attention on the way, not any more than what is necessary. It's probably already so late at night, no sane person is walking around and caring about strangers. But it still makes her worry. She doesn't want attention, she doesn't want anyone to know. One glance at her drenched jacket and Genevieve feels a rush of relief. The rain has washed away all of the blood on her coat, it only looks terrible on the inside. With a sigh Genevieve makes her first move to sit up.

When everything seems too hard and too complicated, it's important to take things step by step. Don't look forwards, don't think. Only do the next right thing. Genevieve sits up. She knows that she had to, but can't help but think that it was a bad idea immediately after. The bruises on her stomach all hit at once, sending a rush of pain through her body and a wave of nausea. Genevieve can only manage to hold back a scream of pain before she bends over slightly to puke out blood. Tears gather in her eyes. Genevieve won't let them fall.

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