"Don't do it, Willow." My dad whispers.

"It's what they want. Just leave it. Please." He begs. 

I look at him, his eyes pleading as they look into mine. I sigh heavily and nod my head, going upstairs with him. 

"I'll book us a flight home as soon as possible. Pack the rest of your things. If we need to, we'll stay in a hotel." He reassures me, a weak smile on his lips. 

I nod and grab my things from Rachel's room, walking into the spare room my dad was sleeping in. He's sat on the bed, packing his own clothes.

I join him, sitting next to him.

"I don't think you realize how badly I want to punch them both in the face." I say, clenching my teeth.

"I do, Willow. Trust me. I had to endure that family for 20 years. For the sake of your mom, I had to dig deep and not let the anger take control. Kevin is the only one who gave me the time of day. I feel sorry for him." 

"Then why doesn't he leave her?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"He was telling me at the bar that he despises her. But she holds something over him. I don't know what. Maybe he cheated or did something his family wouldn't approve of. He didn't give details, but he's stuck."

"Why is she so evil? What's her problem?" I scoff.

"Some people just are. It's their nature. Unfortunately, Helen is one of those people." He sighs.

He stops what he's doing and looks up at me, grabbing my hands. My eyes meet his, and I sense remorse in his expression.

"Honey, if I knew for a second things would turn out like this, I never would have brought you here. I thought maybe she had changed. But I was wrong. I'm so sorry. This is my fault." 

My anger washes away. I drop the tension in my shoulders and grip his hands tight.

"This is not your fault, dad. I don't blame you, not for one second. You are the best dad anybody could ever hope for. You've been there for me, and stuck by me through everything, through think and thin. Please don't apologize." I smile at him. 

He smiles back and lets go of my hands, resuming packing. He lets out a deep, heavy sigh of relief. 


A couple hours have passed, and dad managed to get us a flight back to Korea for tonight. Our flight leaves in an hour, so we quickly rush downstairs, suitcases in tow. 

I purposely let my suitcase drop heavily down onto every step, checking for marks behind me. 

What can I say? I'm petty.

"You damage anything, you'll be paying for it." Helen barks, standing at the bottom of the staircase. 

"You damaged your relationship with your entire family. You're gonna pay for that." I retort, smugly walking past her. 

She scoffs through her nose, and I hear her heels following behind me as we approach the door.

"Bye, bitch." Rachel waves, chuckling.

Dig deep, Willow. Dig deep.

I let out a heavy sigh through my nose, my fists clenching. 

I don't say anything, and just walk out, getting into the cab. I don't even look behind me as we drive off. If anything I never want to see their faces again. 

The thought of going back home is all that's helping me calm down. The thought of seeing Jin again.

It's weird. Until recently I called this place home. But now it feels... different. Home to me is in Jin's arms, in his bed, in his presence. Home is with my friends, with Taehyung, Hoseok and Josie. 

My mom is still here, and I wish I could bring her with me, because this just doesn't feel like home anymore.

I pull myself out of my daydream, and look at my dad in the front seat. I grab my phone out of my pocket and text Jin, letting him know the good news.

Willow: Hey, so change of plan. I'm coming home today! 

He quickly responds.

Sexy asshole: Today? I thought you were leaving in the morning.

Alright, don't act too happy, Jin.

Willow: I was, but it escalated even more. We needed to get out of there ASAP. 

Willow: Can't wait to see you ♥

Sexy asshole: I can't wait to see you too. I've missed you.

Willow: I miss you so much. But I won't be able to see you right away. I'm gonna spend a couple days with my dad. After this weekend, I wanna spend some time with him.

Sexy asshole: I understand. I'll be here when you're ready.

I smile, butterflies filling my stomach. 

I keep feeling that urge to tell him I love him. But I'm NOT up for embarrassing myself. 

Willow: I'll see you soon.

Sexy asshole: See you soon.

I lock my phone and place it back in my pocket. I raise my eyes to look back at my dad, happily humming away to the One Direction song playing on the radio.

I chuckle quietly and shake my head. 

My dad's more of a teenage girl than I am. 

The best dad.

A/N: Two years later... Oops. If you hadn't been reading my updates on my wall, It's because I had a baby! Time flies and I didn't realize how long I'd left it. I'm a little rusty so this chapter probably isn't the best, but we're going back to Willow and Jin very soon.

Thank you for staying with me, and for all the wonderful comments and messages. ♥♥

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