Prologue • Jax Teller

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I'd been in Charming for long enough to know who the Sons of Anarchy were.

I'd heard they were ruthless lawbreakers who did things for a living that should have sent me running.

I'd heard the stories of his Old Lady who'd disappeared in the middle of the night. Nobody knew what had happened, but the rumours around town were pretty direct: She'd been murdered for ending up on the 'wrong side' of the one man she'd loved.

And, even though I didn't believe that rumour, I knew why it had started. He was dangerous. Lethal.

Jax Teller.

So, the smart thing for me to do would have been to run in the opposite direction and flee for my life the second that I saw his bright blue eyes and his bad boy smile.

Instead, I stayed.

I fell.

I loved.

And, in the end, the thing I loved was the thing that broke me.

She Ain't Home - Jax | #1. New Old LadiesWhere stories live. Discover now