⌜𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞⌝

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"Well, Saki! I guess you're going back to your treehouse now right?" I asked her. "W-Well I was wondering if I could come with you guys on your journey!" She told us.

I guess she felt lonely in her treehouse, couldn't blame her.

"Of course you can come! The more the merrier y'know!" I told her while patting her head.

She looked up at me and smiled. She was really like my little sister when she was younger, she'd always smile.

I realized how much I missed having my little sister. Of course, I still had her, but she was grown up and mature now. I smiled at the thought of Natsu smiling. I missed her younger days.

"Anyways! C'mon, we still gotta find the stuff for the wizard!" I told them. I showed the loss to Saki (the list had photos too) so she could help too. "Oh, I know where that is!" She exclaimed before running off.

Me and Kunimi exchanged a look and started running after her. If she lived here in the forest for years, then she should be familiar with this area right?

I wonder what meant by "that". Which item was she talking about exactly? Well, we're about to find out!

We followed after her as she ran through a bunch of trees. I was trying my best not to lose track of her through the Riku trees.

As I said, the trees were quite thick and chunky. So there was a very big possibility that I'd go the wrong way, but I don't think I did. You could hear a bunch of footsteps in the grass from Saki's running probably.

So I just followed that. I looked behind me to see Kun trailing me. I hope I wasn't going the wrong way because if I was we'd both get lost!

I kept running and found Saki at a clearing. Where there were no trees and the sound of running water filled the air.

Wait, water?! I see the girl panting while bending down a bit. All that running must have sucked the life out of her.

I caught my breath for a while, and look down at the ground. It was a field of flowers I was in. Daisies? Is that what she meant? I picked a couple of daisies and shoved them into my inventory.

Another item down, just 4 more to go. "So Saki, did you mean the daisies when you said you knew where that item was?" I asked her after finally catching my breath.

"Yeah but not only that but also that water and fish!" She said pointing at something in front of her.

Water? I look at where she's pointing and see a lake. My eyes trail up and it's a waterfall.

The water had a special glimmer in it for some reason, maybe it was just the sun? The sun was setting now, why did it have such a pretty shine?

It shined like the pixie dust, like the dust itself was mixed in the water. Why did it have such a pretty shine? It was just water after all, right?

"Saki why is the water so shimmery?" I asked the girl while walking to the edge of the big lake.

"Well, that's the sparkling water you were looking for on your list!" She replied. How did I not recognize it?! Such an idiot. I kneeled and examined the water. I saw some kind of figure in the water, a fish?

The water was so clear I could see exactly what was in the water like it was transparent. It was so cool!

There was a bunch of fish swimming around, but they were all the same fish. rainbow fish.

"Saki! There's rainbow fish here??" I turned my head around and asked the girl. She nodded eagerly.

"I eat these! Since I live here in the forest I have to find all sorts of food if I was lucky I would catch one of those fish and eat them! They taste so good you wouldn't believe it. Also when you eat it gives you an energy boost." She said while smiling. I smiled back at her.

"That's amazing! It's already getting dark so we'll continue this quest later on." I told her. She nodded and yawned. I guess she was getting tired too.

I realized Kun hadn't said anything and I didn't see him either so I started to look around.

I saw a glimpse of Saki doing something with the daisies, wonder what. I kept looking around and found Kun lying in the past of flowers.

He was lying in a position that you make when you're making a snow angel. He was staring at the sky, was he spacing out?

I shook my head and let him be, he looked like he didn't wanna be bothered.

I stepped around until I found a relatively flat spot. Perfect place to set up camp.

I luckily brought a tent and a couple of sleeping bags just in case this might happen. Good thing I brought them.

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