⌜𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧⌝

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The next day, I was awoken by a cold blow of wind.

I stretched, still sitting down.

I got up from my sitting position and stretched more, I wonder what happened to everyone else.

Are they worrying about me?

I should probably get back.

I walked out of the cave to be greeted by the chilly air.

I just realized now- what time is it? The sun hadn't risen yet, why am I up this early??

I sighed, I doubt I'll be able to go back to sleep so why not just make my way to camp.

The air was chilly on the way back. But unlike yesterday there were no gusts. Just a slight cold in the air.

I didn't know where it was coming from but for now, I didn't care. I just needed to get back.

I started to jog my way back there.

I wanted to run so I'd get there faster but I knew if I did I'd get tired halfway.

I wasn't really sure where I was going I was just trying to retrace my steps- which to be honest wasn't going that great.

Everything looked identical- I think I was lost? I couldn't tell anymore. I just kept going though.

Seeing if maybe I kept jogging I'd make it there eventually.

After a while of jogging, I got tired- how did I not get tired yesterday?!


Jeez, what am I gonna do now?

I'm in the middle of a valley, who knows when a gust will hit and freeze me. Maybe I should rest for a bit?

The sun was starting to rise- I didn't wanna get burnt.

I looked around, to find someplace to hide from the sun, and I spot a forest. A forest with big leafy trees.


I run towards the roofed forest, the sun was burning me and I didn't want a bad sunburn.

The moment I reached there I ran under one of the trees. Finally some shade and time away from the sun!

I sat on the soft grass and leaned on the bark of this tree. I think these were dark oak trees? It's like they combined a dark oak and some made-up fruit.

I mean is I saw a sparkling fruit on the tree while I was running here.

It was so shiny that I could see it from such afar.

I remember hearing about the fruit before I was transported into the game world, but I forgot its name.

I never ate it, never found it until now. You could only find this fruit in the enchanted forest, that's why I've never seen it until now.

I didn't know its name either, just what it looked like.

I was pretty hungry since I didn't eat yesterday and today so I took one.

I climbed the tree and snatched one of the fruits. It was a sparkly pastel color, kinda like a Minecraft golden apple but a lighter shade of yellow.

When I grabbed the fruit, instead of jumping down, I climbed further and sat on a branch.

Luckily this tree was pretty thick and the branches wouldn't bend if I sat or climbed on any of them. What a reliable tree.

It was a breezy day.

Not like cold gusts of wind, just like normal wind.

The relaxing sounds of the leaves swaying against the wind relaxed me a lot.

I stared at the fruit for a second, contemplating if I should eat it or not.

Yes, I was hungry but this fruit most likely does something else aside from filling up hunger.

I sniffed it, in case it tasted bad.

It smelled so good- I gotta eat this now. I ate it with no hesitation.

It smelled way too good to not eat it.

I ate it in a couple small bites, quickly. After I finished the fruit, I started to feel extremely nauseous.

Everything started spinning and spinning and my head hurt like hell.

I was gonna fall.

I leaned back out of dizziness.

I fell off the branch.

I embraced for impact for when I hit the ground.

But it never came.


I blacked out before I felt anything.

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