The battle won; lives lost

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I felt like a part of me died with Fred. I cried shouting it was my fault.
"He died because of me!"
"I killed him!"
"I'm sorry!"
"I killed him."
I felt Mrs Weasley's arms wrap around me as she said " No! No! My dear girl, it was not your fault. It is Voldemort's fault and we shall avenge our Freddie." She cried.
"He died saving me. How am I supposed to live knowing that! Had I been a little stronger, a little wiser. He would not have left us like this."
"It is not your fault, dear. It is not at all your fault."

I ran up to my abandoned staircase. Parts of it were now blown off. That's when I realised, I never had one of these special places with Fred and mom like I did with Cedric and Draco. And I terribly missed them.

I felt an arm on my shoulder and I looked up. It was Draco. I remembered imagining Draco every time I kissed Fred or every time he hugged me but at that moment, there was no one I needed more than I needed Fred.

Draco sat down next to me. His eyes welling up with tears too .

We didn't say anything to each other.
" I will fight." He said. "Whatever it takes, I will fight." I didn't look up.

The night passed. It was one of the longest nights ever. Draco sat next to me silently like Cedric had when we'd be at these stairs.

In the morning. We heard a voice in the air.
"Harry Potter is dead. Join me."
We stood up immediately and ran towards the courtyard.

It was Voldemort and his army of death eaters. And among them, Hagrid- carrying a body.

"No!" Ginny shouted as she began running towards Hagrid. Mr Weasley ran and held her back.
"Harry Potter- the boy who lived is now, dead!"
A roar of laughter from the death eaters.

"You must now pledge your allegiance to me! Any volunteers?" Voldemort asked.
Neville stepped forward.
"And you are?"
"Neville Longbottom. I'd like to say something." He said.
"We certainly hoped for better but, go on." He hissed.

"I'd like to say something. Doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die everyday— Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with here. So is Fred, Remus, Tonks...all of them. They didn't die in vain! But you will! Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" Nevilles shouted and pulled out the sword of Gryffindor from the sorting hat.

Someone sent a stunning spell and sent Neville to the Ground. Meanwhile, Harry leapt from Hagrid's arm and jumped down. Draco ran forward.
"Potter!" He called and threw a wand at him.

It all happened so fast, nobody got to take it in. Bellatrix sent a stunning curse flying at Draco. Narcissa deflected it!

Death eaters swarmed on the Malfoys. The 3 of whom were standing back to back trying to fend themselves. I ran in and joined the circle. My wand arm still up, my burnt hand, held his. Dean and Seamus and Blaise ran in to join.
We sent curse after curse flying from our wands in all direction. Streaks of coloured lights flaring out from all direction.
We overpowered the death eaters and ran towards the castle.
"You need to kill the snake!" Hermione shouted! We ran up the stairs as we battled the many death eaters on the way.

I fired curse after curse at Nagini but it did not even flinch. It just bared it's fangs and slithered towards us.

Neville had the sword of Gryffindor and he was running towards us.
Neville couldn't reach us soon enough.
He shouted, "Malfoy!" And threw the sword of Gryffindor towards Draco. He caught it by the hilt! Swung it and slashed the head off the snake who squirmed in pain and evaporated into smoke.

Neville came running down. "Blimey Malfoy, I was worried it might vanish as soon as you touched it."

Draco smiled and handed it back to Neville.

We got back to fighting the death eaters. On the courtyard, Harry was fighting Voldemort, Who undoubtedly felt the death of Nagini.

Harry sent out a red streak of light from his wand that over powered Voldemort and hit him on his chest. He fell on his knees and his eyes rolled backwards as his body slowly turned to dust.
Of the remaining death eaters, some ran away and some surrendered. Cheer erupted all around us.
The Battle was won.
Voldemort was dead.
We were safe.

Dark Light - a Draco Malfoy FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant