The accident

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I really started getting used to Hogwarts. I made quite some good friends. I couldn't be happier I was a Gryffindor. Everyone was just great and so was the common room. I loved spending my evenings in the common room just sitting and listening to conversation. That was all the entertainment I needed. There was never a day when Fred and George wouldn't make me laugh.


I met a lot of people at Hogwarts but none quite like Cedric Diggory, a fifth year Hufflepuff.
I was reading at my usual spot when he walked up the stairs and saw me.
I saw him and I looked back at my book.
"Hey!" He said, bending a little to see who I was.
"You're Evelyn, New girl."
"Yes, thank you. I know my name. And you are?" I smiled.
"Cedric Diggory, fifth year." He said "Do you come here often?"
"Once in a while. I like the quiet."
I saw he had a book in his hand too and asked "What are you reading?"
"Shakespeare? Nice."
"Quidditch Through the ages."
"Do you play?"
"No, but I like it."
"I play for Hufflepuff, team seeker." He said.
"I know. I've seen you play." I said. " you're really good at it. Not as good as Harry, but.." I giggled.
"Ouch!" He said and laughed.
I smiled. And looked back down to my book. He took the set of stairs opposite to me and started reading in the quiet too.
The sun soon went down and shadows started forming nearby. I heard a bunch of 2nd years going down for dinner. I closed my book and stood up. He followed.
"See you around." I said.
"Yes. See you"
And he walked silently behind me.

We'd see each other 2-3 times a week at the same staircase, where we would read for hours in silence. Only breaking to talk once in a while. We enjoyed each other's company. He was my first friend (?) at Hogwarts.


Other than Quidditch and reading, my other interest was Care of Magical creatures. I was waiting for this class. I really loved seeing new creatures. I was really excited what Hagrid had in store for us on our first class

I couldn't believe it when I saw it was a "Hippogriff" I said out loud.
"A what?" said Draco.
I didn't answer him. But rather, moved forward  but keeping enough distance. My trance was broken when Neville screamed .
He laid on the ground almost savaged by the Monster book of Monsters. I took the book from him, stroked its spine and closed it. I lent a hand forward and said "you need to stroke its spine to calm it down" and pulled him up. "Thanks, Ev." He said.
"Wait till my father hears Dumbledore's got an oaf teaching classes." He said. I sighed as I ignored him.
"Shut up Malfoy." Harry said.
They we're almost about to face off when Draco shouted, "Dementor, dementor!"
Everyone turned around to see but of course there wasn't any. He was clearly just mocking Harry for fainting back in the train when he saw dementors. Everyone had heard that story.
It made me want to punch him in the face.

Hagrid introduced the Hippogriff to us. His name was Buckbeak. He explained their nature and their habits. I took note and then..
"A'right then. Who wants to go first?" Hagrid says. I step forward and everyone steps back, except Harry.

"Evelyn, you first and then Harry, you can try. Harry looked confused and looked around and realised everyone had stepped back making it look like he volunteered.

"Now, you've gotta bow low and move forward slowly. Very slowly. Hippogriffs are very proud creatures , ya see. Do not move close unless it bows back."

I do as I am told and Buckbeak bows back.
"Move closer now"
I take a step, reach out my arm and touch it's beak and give it a rub.
I smile.
"Do ya' want to take a ride on our dear' friend Buckbeak?"
"Can l?"
As soon as I said it, Hagrid helped me up, I held on to Buckbeak and up we soared.
I screamed in delight. It swooped close to the lake and around the Hogwarts ground and it was Magical. It was like that time on the broom but a little more terrifying.

We landed back. I jumped off. Bowed again and thanked Buckbeak. I was beaming.
Harry went next and was ecstatic too when he landed. We looked at each other and beamed.

The next second I heard " If Potter could do it, why can't I? You're not that dangerous , are you ? You great ugly brute?"

My eyes widened and I said ," No, Malfoy!" He looked back and grinned and continued to walk forward.

Buckbeak rose on his hind legs and scratched Draco's arms with it's talon. He fell on the ground, blood streaming from his arms and started screaming, " It's killed me! It's killed me! I'm dying!"

I felt sorry for him until he said that. Then I felt angry and  funny at the same time.

" Well good, reincarnate with some brain next time." I mumbled.
He looked up at me and said "What did you just say?"
Harry, Ron and some others standing around looked at me ,hiding their laughter.


I was walking down the corridor when professor Mcgonagall called out to me.
"Yes professor." I said.
"Miss Berkeley, will you please take these books to Mr Malfoy in the hospital wing?"
I wanted to say something but didn't.
"Yes, of course. Professor." I said as I took it from her and walked towards the Hospital wing.

I swung the door open and walked towards him. He was lying down with his eyes closed. I thanked God and walked as quietly as possible and reached his bed and placed the books on the bedside table.

"Here to see me?" He asked.
"Not." I replied. "Professor Mcgonagall sent these." I pointed at the books.
"Okay." He said.
"A thank you would be nice. Wouldn't hurt." I said.
"An 'are you fine?' Would be nice too." He said.
"You're clearly fine." I said.
"No I'm not. You'll know at tomorrow's potions class. I can't even write right now. Wonder who'll be taking notes for me." He sneered.
I scoffed and walked out.
"Bye. See you tomorrow." He shouted.

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