The fall

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Draco opened his eyes. I was sitting right next to him.
"H-hey." He said.
"Hey. How are you feeling?"
I nodded, lifted his hand and kissed it.
"Ev, I have to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"We can't do this anymore, Evelyn."
"What do you mean by 'this'?"
"We can't see each other anymore."
He didn't look at me.
My heart sank.
I couldn't speak. Tears welled up my eyes.
"Wh-why, Draco?"
Tears rolled down my cheeks. He sat up and held my face.
"I am not good for you. Things are happening Ev. Things I cannot tell you. But you are not safe around me."
His forehead touched mine.
I knew what he was talking about.
"Did you... did you finally do it then?" I asked.
He nodded. Leaned back and showed me the dark mark on his forearm.
"Can't you quit!? Can't you leave it and come with me?" I cried.
"He will kill my parents Ev. He will kill them. He is taking out his anger at my father's failure on me. You are not safe with me." He said as he held my hand.
" I have seen things. I've seen what he does to get people to do his bidding. If he knows about you, he'll come for you too. He'll make you his weapon to torture me like he is doing to my parents." He continued.
I couldn't speak.
"Stay close to your family and keep them safe. Stay close to your friends. They can protect you more than I can."
"B-but, I love you. Draco."
He pulled me into a hug.
"I love you too Evelyn. But I cannot risk your life. I cannot hurt you. If I make it through it all, when this is over, I will come looking for you and I will never let you go. But right now, letting you go is the only thing I can do to save you."
Just as I was going to speak, Madam Pomfrey came in. "Please let Mr Malfoy rest now." She said.
"Stay alive and safe, Ev. I will try my best too and I will come for you." He whispered.
"Go now." He said as he let my hand go. I could see his Blue eyes well up with tears. The whites of his eyes turn red as he tried to hold them in.

I was at my abandoned stair. The one I would sit with Cedric at. I cried. I couldn't believe what had happened in the last few hours.
Draco was gravely injured. He is a death eater now. And him and I were done. Or could we even call it being done. I just had to keep hoping we'd both be alive when all this ends, if all this ends.

At almost curfew, I was walking towards my dorm when, a sound like the rumbling of clouds erupted. I ran to the nearest window and looked out. The dark mark hovered in the air above the astronomy tower.

I could only think of Draco. I ran and I ran without turning back. I could barely breathe by the time I reached the tower. I saw Harry bound by a spell on the lower level of the tower. I looked up.

Dumbledore stood there, barely able. Then I heard a voice.
"I have to kill you, or he will kill them." The familiarity of the voice made my whole body numb.
Standing with a wand pointed at Dumbledore was Draco.
Dumbledore talked to him as if he was having a casual conversation with him.
"You are not a killer"
"I've got this far, haven't I?"
Right at that moment, footsteps rushed towards the upper level. Death eaters led by Bellatrix herself. I pointed my wand up. Aiming at her. As I did, Draco's eyes met mine.
He shook his hand, asking me to keep my wand down. I saw fear in his eyes like I had never before. His wand lowered as Bellatrix skreiked "Kill him Draco!"
His wand raised back up. He kept glancing at me whenever he could feel Bellatrix's eyes off him.
she insisted but he couldn't kill Dumbledore. I fell on my knees. Snape moved into sight. And with one flick of his wand and the words barely escaping his mouth, "Avada Kedavra" and Dumbledore was falling off the Astronomy tower. Just as he died, Harry was released. He picked me up. " get up, Ev"  

I got up. New rage inside me. I was angry at myself for not being brave enough to attack them myself!

We ran. A battle had erupted in the castle. Aurors, member of the orders were fighting death eaters away. We ran. Harry and I reached the grounds. We could see Snape, Bellatrix and Draco in front of us!

"Expelliarmus!" The both of us shouted.
Snape deflected Harry's.
Mine hit Draco. I saw his eyes. As red as they were when we last talked. I raised my wand pointing at him.
"Evelyn" he mouthed.
Bellatrix pulled him and dragged him towards the forest.
"Stupefy!" I shouted. My spells were deflected with a flick of her wand.
"Fight back you coward!" Harry shouted! Now the both of us had our wands pointed at Snape.
"Sectumsempra!" Harry shouted.
Snape deflected it and it hit me.
Blood started gushing out from cuts all over my body.
"No!" I heard someone shout in the distance.
Harry leaned over me.
Snape came closer and said "My own jinx against me. Yes, Potter. I am the half blood Prince." He said.
He cursed Harry with a jinx I couldn't hear. Harry fell to the ground too and they went beyond the school grounds and apparated.

Harry carried me to the school. Blood oozing from all over me. Someone lifted me up and carried me to the hospital wing. Next I felt were burns as  Madam Pomfrey dropped essence of distant on my cuts. I passed out from the pain.

I woke up the next day. Fred was by my bed. Holding my hand. Ginny was sitting at the foot of my bed but looking at the next bed.
I sat up, Fred helped me.
It was Bill. He had a big scar on his face.
"What happened?" I gasped.
"It was Greyback" Fred replied. "He is going to be fine though. How are you?" He asked.
"Just a bit sore." I said. "Where's Harry?" I asked.
"He went out just a while back."
"Dumbledore. Dumbledore. Is he..?"
He nodded with sadness in his eyes.

Everything that happened the previous night came back to me like it had happened just 5 minutes ago.

"Evelyn!!" My mother called out and ran towards me.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine mum." I said to her, wiping my tears off.
"Let's get you home." She said and hugged me.
She went off to talk to Madam Pomfrey.

"Things are going to be very different now, Ev. You need to take care of yourself." Fred said.
He was sitting very close to me on my hospital bed.
I leaned towards him and kept my head on his chest and cried.
He wrapped his arms around me.

We attended Dumbledore's funeral the next day and left for home.

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