Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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Before we knew it, we were back in Hogwarts.
The DA meetings were great. In the next few weeks after the Christmas holidays, we learnt a  lot more defensive charms.

It was March when we learnt how to produce a patronus. It took me a while to find my moment of happiness. I remembered the old days when Mum, Dad and I were happy together. I remembered the day I first kissed Draco. I remembered the day my mother came to pick me up at King's cross. Those little moments meant a lot to me. And the flash of light erupted from the end on my wand. Shapeless, but strong. I closed my eyes and focused on more happy moments. My friends at Beauxbatons. Family vacation in different parts of the world. Cedric sitting next to me in our abandoned staircase. A dolphin. A dolphin swam mid air. Clapping and bouncing around.
Dobby the house elf appeared out of thin air and ran to Harry. Harry shouted, "Quick! They've found us!" He opened his Marauder's map and planned an exit route. Many of them escaped. But I stuck with remaining few.



Everyone's patronus vanished.
A small hole formed on the wall of the room.
"Let me make short work of this. Bombarda Maxima!"
The wall blew open!
As the smoke cleared, We saw Umbridge and her inquisitorial squad.
My heart dropped. My eyes searched for Draco. He came in from the side holding Marietta Edgecomb. He was dragging Marietta towards Umbridge when he saw me and our eyes met. A look of disappointment on his face, guilt on mine.

We were taken to Umbridge's office while Harry, was taken to Dumbledore's office.
I couldn't get myself to look at Draco. And when I did, he would look away.
We just sat there in silence when Umbridge returned. She announced that Dumbledore was no longer the headmaster at Hogwarts. That was to be the new headmistress.
We were put in Detention. Every evening we had to sit in the great hall and write sentences with her infamous black quill.

Every time I'd try to talk to Draco, he'd ignore me. He had also started to insult my friends and other members of the DA more often. That was to be my punishment, I guess. After about 2 weeks, I didn't try as much to apologise to him. I started secluding myself. I found myself a corner behind the main walls on the clock tower which was hidden just perfectly.

Everyday after class, I'd go there. I'd study, read books, do my assignments there. I wasn't the snitch but might as well have been. The new hatred of the Slytherin for me being in the DA and that of the Gryffindor for my Slytherin boyfriend who now did not leave a chance to insult anyone who passed him topping off the fact that he was the one who caught us.
I couldn't bear looking at anyone. I remembered Cedric and how life was just calm with him around.
I took a deep breathe, looked down at my book and started studying. I missed my meals most of these days. I'd have my breakfast early morning and pack some extra toast and fruits for lunch. Then I'd be at detention and go back to my corner until it was curfew and I could just go to my dorm and sleep.

Draco noticed that I had been missing most of these days and followed me one day. I sat down on the floor, opened my bag, took out an apple and took a bite. I barely ate but I was also barely hungry. I'd rather starve to death then see people stare at me like I'm a disease. Harry told me that it wasn't my fault and that I should ignore it. But I couldn't.

I closed my eyes and leaned back on the wall. I missed Cedric terribly at times like these. He would have understood me.

I heard footsteps and opened my eyes, a tall figure sat down next to me. It was Draco.
We didn't speak. We just sat there. He took out a packet of pumpkin pasties from his bag and gave it to me.
I leaned against him and laid my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry" I said.
"It doesn't matter now." He said.
He took my hand, scarred from detentions with Umbridge.
He held it and said " I'm not angry, Ev. Just disappointed that you didn't trust me enough. I would have given up anything to catch Potter like that but I won't have done it if I knew you'd get caught in the crossfire."
He wrapped his arm around me.
"I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. Didn't you see Marietta's face? That would have been me if I had told you. I really wanted to but I couldn't betray them."
"Well that's why I told you to stay away from that Potter and his minions. Trouble find them."
"I'm sorry." I said. "I missed you."
"I missed you too. But why did you stop eating?"
"I couldn't bear everyone stare at me like that everyday. I pack my lunch." I pointed at the 2 pieces of dried toasts and an apple.
"You don't need to worry about them. I'll poke the eyes out of anyone who stares at you."
I scoffed at him.
"You know I mean it."
The Draco I knew, really could.


The OWLs were right round the corner. Draco started joining me at my new corner studying hours at end.
He was a genius when it came to  potions. And I was pretty good at Charms.
I told him about how I had learnt how to produce a corporeal patronus at the DA meetings and showed him my Dolphin patronus. He told me to teach him to do it too. I promised I would after the OWLs.

The OWL practicals  went really well. Thanks to Draco, I did exceptionally well in Potions too.

The last day of the OWL came by. We were all seated to write our exam when a loud BOOM! filled the room. Umbridge stood up and ran out to check where the noise was coming from.

Something sparkly few into the room and bust with a loud boom! And sent out smaller sparks that grew larger and larger! Then in flew the Weasley twins! Everyone cheered and ran out! There was Havoc everywhere! The Weasley twins shouted the address of their new Weasley's Wizard Wheezes joke shop on Diagon Alley and flew away!

As everyone cheered, I saw Harry fall to the ground! Hermione rushed in. "They've got padfoot!" He shouted. I didn't know who or what that was but I followed them. They needed to get into Umbridge's office to use the floo network. I acted as their guard. This time around however, I told Draco the plan and he told me he'd try to keep the inquisitorial squad away.

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