He has returned

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Hermione and Harry planned the break in.
Ginny, Neville, Luna and I listened to their plan. We were supposed to stand guard while Harry broke into Umbridge's office to use the floo network.

We did as we were told. Draco tried to hold off the members on the inquisitorial squad. But Umbridge wasn't fooled. She caught us and sent her squad to hold is in her office. Crabbe came at me and tried to grab my collar. Draco pushed him aside and held me. He walked me up to the office. "Caught this one trying to help the Weasley girl." He said to Umbridge.

Harry was on a chair held by Umbridge with her wands out!
She thought we were going to Dumbledore. Harry wouldn't tell her why we needed the floo network.
She called for Snape. She asked him to get the veritaserum.
"We used the last of it interrogating the  batch of the 7th year students." Snape said.
"Then make more!" Umbridge said.
"Certainly. It should be ready in a month's time."
"He's got padfoot!" He screamed.
"What did he say? Who's Padfoot?" Umbridge asked
"No idea." Snape replied.
"Fine then I guess I will use the good old Crucio curse." She said.
"Tell her Harry!!" Hermione screamed.
"Tell me what!"
"The weapon. Dumbledore's weapon."
"Where is it?"
"The forbidden forest."
We had no idea what it was but Harry and Hermione walked out with Umbridge.
A while later, Ron took some chocolates out of his pocket saying he was hungry.
Crabbe and Goyle snatched it and started eating it. In a while, they were sick and were puking all over Umbridge's office. He signalled us and started to run out.
I went to Draco. "Thank you!" I said and gave him a kiss.
He pulled me into a big hug and said "Take care! Don't get hurt." He said.
I remembered how I had told Cedric not to get hurt before he....
It got lost on a trail of thought.


We ran into the forest and found Hermione and Harry. They told us about Umbridge and said we needed to go to London.
We couldn't take the broom it'd take too long.
Luna suggested we take the thestrals. The smell of blood on Harry had already attracted a few of them.

Luna and Harry who could see them and helped us get on them.
It soared high with a kick and we flew to London.
We ended up at the Department of mysteries. Harry had seen the place in his dream. We were looking for shelve number 53.
After a while we found it.
Death eaters sprung in from all corners.
"Hand me the prophecy." Said a voice and moved forward into the light. It was Lucius Malfoy. Draco's dad. A death eater.
A woman with a maddening laugh came forward. It was Bellatrix Lestrange. Neville froze in his place but lifted his wand a little higher.
Moments later, flashes of light flew in from every corner. We fought back. We ran as we tried to protect ourselves. Padfoot, who I now knew to be Sirius Black, Harry'a Godfather was wasn't there. It was all a ruse.

As we ran and fought, the death eaters got hold of Ginny and Neville.
"Hand me the prophecy Potter or watch your friends die" Lucius Malfoy said.
At that moment. Apparition after apparition, Sirius Black, Lupin and some other who I didn't know took shape infront of us and fought back. We fought back harder.
"Avada Kedavra!" Bellatrix shouted.
A flash of green light and Sirius fell. But more like a smoke, He floated into a Giant mirror of smoke. Harry shouted uncontrollably, calling Sirius back. Lupin held on to him. Then came a mocking voice.
"I killed Sirius Black." In a singsong voice. It was Bellatrix Lestrange.
Harry ran behind him. We fought off Curses and kept Harry safe. He ran out.
We seemed to have been fighting for forever now when the last Death Eater fell to the ground petrified.
We ran in the direction Harry ran in.
A flash of black smoke and someone had apparated from in front of us.
It was Voldemort. The Minister of magic along
With some other workers of the ministry saw him.
They had no choice but to accept the truth that Voldemort was back.
One of the people who was present there was my mother. She ran towards me and pulled me into a hug. "You're okay. Let's go home." She said.

I didn't return to Hogwarts after the incident. I went home with my mother. Within a week, all my belongings had reached home too. Along with a letter from Draco.

Dear Ev.
I hope you are not badly injured. I'm sorry you had to go through it. My father has been sent to Azkaban.
I blame Potter for it all. It was all because of him. I wish I had not let you go with them that day. Dark times are approaching. I may not be able to write to you this holiday. Mother and I will be attending Father's trials.
Take care. I will see you on the train back to Hogwarts.



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