The Bet and the date

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The first task was announced. The champions had to steal some golden egg from dragons.
We already knew about it.
"Be careful Harry. Do you feel prepared?"
"How can one be ever prepared to fight dragons Ev?"
"You're right. But if you need help learning or researching any new spell, let me know. I will try to help you. No doubt this tournament had age restrictions."


The day of the first task came. I wished the 2 of them with big hugs and Fleur as well. I couldn't bring myself to go anywhere near Krum however.
All 4 completed their tasks and got their golden egg.
We celebrated in the Gryffindor common room.
Cedric let me sneak in to the Hufflepuff common room too for their celebration. He introduced me to Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw 5th year. He was dating her . She seemed really nice. I knew her as the Ravenclaw seeker. I thought they looked pretty good together.


We were told that the Yule Ball was to be held that year. Ever since, everyone had been trying to find partners to take to the hall.
Cedric was taking Cho.
Hermione, to my surprise was going with Victor Krum.
Ron and Harry didn't have any date. I wasn't planning on going to the ball at all.

Potions was mostly when I met Draco. He was different when we would get to our corner. He was kinder, sweeter and had he not been rude to my friends all the time, I'd have believed he was a good person.
I stopped protesting sitting next to him in potions.
"Who are you going with to the ball?" He asked.
"I'm not going." I said.
"Why not?"
"I don't like crowded places ."
"You'll be missing out on a lot. Rumour has it, the weird sisters are performing too."
"I don't know... Who are you going with? Pansy?"
"No. Not yet. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me?" He asked.
I looked up at him. I had never looked at him this close. He looked radiant. He was tall and his hair still a little messy from running late this morning. And... he.... I realised I was looking at him too long. I looked down and started crushing my shriveled figs.
"I'm not going. I told you. Besides, my friends would kill me if I go with you after rejecting my fellow Gryffindor to the ball." I scoffed.
"Who cares! We'll have a good time. And why do your friends hate me?"
"You're asking me that! What was the reason again that you turned into ferret last week, Malfoy?"
He looked annoyed.
"Guess I'll just have to ask Pansy then." He said, annoyed. "Will you ever give me a chance to prove myself?" He asked.
"Prove what of yourself?"
"That I'm not that bad."
"You can't even say you're a good person. ' not that bad' is the best you can do?"
"Well I am good to you."
"Oh yes. Let's forget all about last year and how rude you were to me because you've been okayish to me the last 2 weeks. Sure."
"I already apologised for that."He said. "And I never apologise."
"Oh! How kind of you Mr Malfoy. You considered me worthy of your apology."
"Give me a chance. I swear it'll be worth it."
"Let's do one thing then. If you're nice, not even nice; if you're not rude to my friends and ME for the next 2 weeks, I'll go with you. "
"Deal." He said and smiled at me. "I'll just have to sew my lips for weeks then. Do you know any charm to do that?" He laughed.
I scoffed. "I'm sure you wouldn't last 2 days."
"Oh I'll see to it that I do."

I entered the common room. Harry came to me. He asked me, "Ev. Do you want to go to the ball with me?"
"You don't have a date yet?"
He shook his head.
"Harry I'd love to but I just bet Draco that if he is not rude to you or any of my friends for the next 2 weeks, I'll go with him. "
"What! Malfoy? He asked you?"
"I wasn't planning to go anyway. I just wanted him to leave everyone alone. Especially you. You need to have a clear head to do your next task."
He seemed to understand.
"Why don't you ask Parvati?" I asked. "And Ron could ask her sister, Padma."
He nodded, " Or I could just go and irritate Draco into bullying again. How hard could that be!" He laughed.
I smiled " that doesn't count, Harry."
He smiled. " I hope he doesn't go with you."
"I hope so too."

Draco was nowhere to be seen the next 3 days. I kept asking my friends if they'd seen him. If they'd been shouted at. If Draco had been rude to anyone.
"No. I've not seen him for a while." Ron said.
"I passed by him yesterday in class but he didn't even look at me." Harry said.
"Well, better start writing home for a dress." Hermione said. Everyone laughed.
"Harry, what was it about irritating him into shouting at you again?" I asked.
"That doesn't count Ev." He laughed.
I dropped myself on the couch and screamed at a nearby pillow.


It was day 5. I was headed to DADA. Draco crossed my path.
"I've been a good boy Berkeley. Hope you've got your dress ready." He scoffed. His friends laughed but he put his finger up to his lips and silenced them.
"I hope you're not regretting it." He said.
I returned an animated smile.
He was beaming.


Harry and Ron tried desperately to irritate him. 
We were passing by him to Divination class when Ron knowingly crashed into him and called him a git.
He just took a deep breathe, looked at me and said, "Day 6 of 14"
Ron and Harry were surprised.
"He looks like really wants to take you to the ball." Ron said. "We need a better plan."

Day8, Harry sent a Gryffindor boy to accidentally spill grape juice on his uniform.
He stood up furious, walked towards our table, grit his teeth and said "who's the bully now?"
"Day 8 of 14, Berkeley." He reminded before he walked out furious from the hall.

On the 13th day we were to go to Hogsmeade. I was waiting in the hall for Hermione, Ron and Harry. I had just been to the owlery you to write to Renee to send me a dress for the ball. I didn't have it in my to write to my mother after telling her sternly that I wouldn't be needing one.

I saw Draco enter the hall and come straight to me. He bent down to reach me. Some people sitting nearby looked at us.
"So, Berkeley. You are a woman of your words right?" He asked And smiled at me.
"Hmm." I said and faked a smile.
I should have given him a longer wait time or something harder to do. I thought

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