The battle begins

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"What are you doing here Potter?" Draco asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." Harry replied.
"You have something of mine. I need it back." He said.
I walked towards them with my wand pointed straight at him. As he saw me, his wand lowered.
"What's wrong with the wand you have now?" Harry asked.
" it's my mother's. it's powerful but it doesn't quite get me. You know what I mean." He replied.
"Why didn't you tell Bellatrix? That day? You knew it was me."
"Finish him Draco!" Crabbe said
He was looking at me but his wand was pointed only at Harry.
Blaise and Crabbe were with him.
"Put your wand down, Draco." I said.
He lowered his wand.
"Expelliarmus!" I shouted and Draco's wand flew out of his hand.
Crabbe sent out curses from his wand.
Hermione and Ron joined us. Harry got hold of the diadem.

I ran to Draco when I saw that Crabbe had set an enormous fire that was taking shapes of animal and spreading like wildfire!
"Draco!" I shouted! "Run!!"
Draco grabbed my hand and ran towards the the exit. The fire had grown uncontrollably. Draco, me and Blaise climbed up a towering pile of furniture!
"Accio broom!" I shouted.
They did too. But only 1 flew to us and the room was engulfed in fire.
Harry grabbed Blaise as Draco and I got on the other and flew out of the room of requirement.
Harry took the diadem out. Stabbed it with what looked like a fang and kicked it in.

The fire grew larger for a moment and formed into what looked like a giant 3 headed man.
The door closed on it.
Draco lay on the floor, head on my shoulder crying.
I hugged him back.
"It's not too late Malfoy." Harry said.
"Join us." I added as I held his hands.
Ron looked disgusted as if I was cheating on Fred by holding his hand.
"He'll kill them. My parents. I cannot just yet." He said. "I'm sorry." He said as he touched my face, stood up and was about to leave when Ron shouted,
"Stay away from my brother's girlfriend!" Everyone glared at him. " Yeah, that's right. While you were out there playing death eater with your friends, Fred took care of her and actually loved her. Stay away from her."
Draco looked back at me as if to get some confirmation. I couldn't meet his eyes.
He turned around and ran away.

"Brilliant, Ronald." Hermione said sarcastically.
"He kinda deserved it" Ron replied.

I nodded slightly. Harry suddenly fell on his knees. He looked like he had passed out even though his eyes were open.

Seconds later, he regained consciousness. " The boathouse. We need to go to the boathouse!" He shouted.

I nodded as they ran towards the boathouse. On the way down, I saw Fred, George and Percy. They were duelling death eaters. I rushed in to help.
"Fred!" I shouted as I sent spells flying at the death eaters.
A death eater sent a spell flying and it almost hit Fred it the chest when I reached my hand out and took the curse. The curse burned and charred my hand.
"Aargh!" I screamed!
I still fought. Spells after spells when I heard a loud explosion that sent out rocks that once made the castle , flying out in all directions. Fred moved to cover me from the explosion. A red streak of light hit him on his back and his grip on me loosened.

I looked up. His eyes looked at me but it didn't have the emotions I so deeply saw every time he looked at me. My heart sank. Augustus Rookwood, the death eater that sent the curse stood behind him with a grin on his face.

My wand arm lifted. My head felt as light as the air and as heavy as lead; as hot as fire and as cold as ice ; all at the same time. My wand pointed directly at him and before I could even think, the curse left my mouth. To do one of the unforgivable curse, you really needed to mean it and at that moment, I meant it! I meant it from every inch of my body, every drop of my blood. There was nothing that I wanted more than to avenge Fred. Green light shot out from my wand and Rookwood fell on the ground. His grin permanently stuck on his dead face.

Suddenly, I felt the weight of his lifeless body on mine.
"Noooooo!!!!" I shouted.
Tears flowed uncontrollably. "Not him!" I screamed!
George and Percy ran in. George and Percy were just as uncontrollably sobbing! Someone ran in and pulled us to the side.

His head was perched on my lap. Unlike Cedric's body that had been cold to the touch, Fred's was still warm. It made me hopeful that he could come back!
"Do something! Bring him back!" I screamed.
" Freddie! My dear Freddie! Come back! You promised me you would never leave me!"

As the realisation set in and I looked up, it was Draco who dragged us to the side. I looked back down at Fred.
His face seemed peaceful just like Cedric's had been. But unlike Cedric's where I felt like it wasn't my place to block anyone who comes near him to cry, with Fred's , I wanted him all to myself to mourn. He died saving me. The pain of my charred hand was nothing compared to the pain of the invisible wound shooting all over my body.

Suddenly, the scene fell quiet. The death eaters had left but I was too broken to notice anything. A few people came in a lifted me up. I didn't know who. I didn't know how. I couldn't feel my body at all.

The next minute, I saw Mr and Mrs Weasley falling on the lifeless body of their son. Sobbing uncontrollably.
I felt guilt creep into every corner of my body.
He died because of me.
He died because of me.
He died because of me.

I felt Hermione pull me away and sit me on a bench while Someone tended to my charred hand.

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