After the Half First Day

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  His dirty-blond hair ruffles in the wind, a curious yet amused smile gracing his features. "Hey there! What are you doin out here little bird?"

   Izuku closes her book and hastily stands up on the small balcony "H-Hawks! H-hello! I-I, Uh..." she takes a quick breath to steady herself. "H-Hi.. I'm visiting here with my father, he's in a meeting and I thought this w-would be a good place work on my note book".

   He nods thoughtfully with a hand on his chin, stepping down onto the balcony itself and leaning over, he gazes down at the pages. "So... you study quirks? That's based on the pages that is".

  Grinning, she offers him the notebook to look at. "Yes, I tend to study quirks of hero's sense they are shown off in public so often, it makes it easier to take notes. Not to mention my quirk deals with other quirks".

  The feathered hero nods thoughtfully as he skims through the pages. "Theses are well done kid. Tell me, what's your quirk?"

    Thinking on the spot, she feeds him a lie close enough to the truth to be considered real. "I can copy someone's quirk for a week, which gives a day or two in order to figure it out and the rest of the week to use. Then poof!"

   He nods with a hum as he stands back up rubs his chin. "Alright, well" he's silent for a few more moments as he ponders something. "Well, would you like to copy my quirk? I need to preen my feathers, and I wouldn't mind someone to preen with. Bird mentality and all".

   A big grin spreads itself onto her face "yes I would Hawks. And I've always wondered how you managed to manipulate and harden your feathers".

  He chuckles warmly and offers a hand to pull her to her feet. Taking it, he passes the notebook back to her once on her feet.
"Right, I usually preen in my own room, but that's a little intimate. Especially with a minor... so how about the front room space instead?"

  Izuku nods "yeah, that's fair, I'll send my pa a quick message" pulling out her phone, she shoots him a message of her whereabouts. Receiving an okay but to be careful. She nods to as they walk down the hall to Hawks space.

   "So kiddo, how many quirks can you copy at once?" He looks down at her for a few moments before turning back to the hall ahead.

   Izuku shrugs "I've copied up to four at one time. Some seem to linger longer than a week, but that's rare".

   He nods again "impressive. How does the copy process work?"

   "It's most efficient when the other user consents and I touch their forehead. But I can do it without, however that leads to a migraine on both sides... even after so many of them, it's still unpleasant" her nose scrunches. 

  He chuckles again "Yeah, that makes sense ... somehow. Anyway, here's my door" unlocking it, he waves her in. To which she bows lightly and walks in.  Taking stock of the room at a glance, it has a light mess to it with decorations loosely strewn about. Seeming to contribute to his carefree attitude. Something she notes is that are no pictures of his genuine smile, just his laid back one. It makes her sad.

  He chuckles awkwardly "sorry about mess. I wasn't expecting company, uh- take a seat an make yourself comfortable" Izuku chuckles a little as she takes a seat.

Izuku: Principal's KidTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon