Liam Griffin

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I don't what overcame me. I can't pretend my mother is fine. She is in this hospital for a reason. The small parts of me acted as nothing changed. Physically nothing did. Her beautiful hair is still well-taken care of along with her clothes. She has that warm smile that reminds me of the taste of brown sugar.

The look when her face landed on Hayden was confusing. They did say we were coming, but my mother doesn't remember our faces anymore. A certain need for me to hug hits like a train.

How many times will I have to remind her?

She'll always play it off cool like it's nothing. It isn't okay as much as I make it seem like it is. Hayden thought nobody saw her awkward stance to the wall. I did watch her while I also looked around.

I've not been brave enough to step foot in here and talk to her. I still don't feel brave. All these nurses help like she can't do anything anymore. My mother used to be able to walk and do everything she loved without the help of anyone. I can imagine how that must feel for her. Almost as if she is a burden to them. Hayden feels the same way having her moments. People have feelings and, not all the time can be controlled.

Part of the reason why I had Hayden come is that I wanted to see how normal it is to have a mental condition. The other reason is that I like spending time with her. This is the only way showing her made sense to me. My mother's room is nicely decorated because most of her things were from home.

"I have your necklace because I am your son. Mom, this is my girlfriend," I gesture to Hayden sitting, silently on the couch. My mother's eyes look at her necklace dangling from my neck. Her expression is blank. It takes a minute before she pulls me into a hug. An overbearing motherly hug I needed.

That explains where my tendencies to comfort people is from. All the times people made fun of me for having her around, angered me. I'm not upset for her but them for not realizing the person she is. Just like my father, they never saw Hayden for the amazing person she is. My heart aches to say those things about her. My mother's soft hands glide over my back.

"You know me, always jumbling my words," she lightly chuckles. We pull away a moment after. Hayden's eyes switch over to my mother.

"Don't be shy. I'm the one who births this softie," she cracked a joke about me. I smirk at her words. Hayden gets up to shake hands with her.

"I'm Hayden. Hayden North," she smiles. My mother looked up at me.

"A firm shake means a wise person. Let's have a seat." The room is silent without her loud voice.

"We came here to tell you about some things that have happened recently," I clear my throat. My mother crosses her legs.

"Liam, is it about your father?" she quizzically asked. How does she know?

"Yes, it is. How do you know this?" I stare at her. Hayden's brows raise to my mother's words. The hot air from outside circulated the room making, the room hotter.

"I had a feeling because he does not come to visit anymore." Well, he wouldn't care to see her other than paying her bills from afar.

"He has gone out of his mind. Everyone in town believes everything he says because he's making the most money in town. To make things worst, West is back in town and he told us something," I look to Hayden. She shook her head as if not wanting to say. My eyes plead her to. She sighs silently.

"West came out about his grandfather that killed mine. The reason is because of a tape hidden in the backyard," I tell her. My mother's eyes opened like saucers. Her hand went to cover her mouth agape.

"Did you know?" I ask slowly. Surely, she wouldn't have forgotten this too?

"I am not sure. Liam, your father, is a cocky man, but he is also secretive about everything he does. His father was a bad man that took things that don't belong to him or anyone. That's all I can remember. I hope it helped," she said.

The dots connected almost instantly. We know more about his background. Something that my mother doesn't remember made an impression on her. Nobody would say those things without interaction.

They must have gotten in an argument or something that led her to believe that. Hayden was starting the realize the same thing as me.

What exactly happened? Will we ever know?

There's still so much to learn. I take my time looking at the clock ticking to twelve. "How's everything going home?" My mother asked. I had to think about what I would tell her. If I slip up, things could go south.

"Things could be better. I think Hayden always makes it better," I smirk at her. Hayden's cheeks turn rose. My mother laughs.

"He is smitten by you. I am sure of it," my mother whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"I can tell," Hayden said. She flashed me those sexy eyes out of the blue. My body turned hotter than the room we are in. y mother butts in halfway to ask Hayden about our school, etc. The next thing I know, another hour passes as my mother hands us a cup of iced tea to go.

"You guys best be on your way. Tell West I said hello if he..accepts it," she said quietly. I nod my head to her. My face presses to the side of my mother's cheek to kiss her goodbye. She closes behind us. I hold the drink to my lips. The liquid is sweet and tasty.

Before I forget, I reach to take off her necklace." No, keep it. You'll have a piece of me," She sadly nodded. A genuine smile creeps on my lips.

"Thanks, mom." We walk to the elevator. Once it opens, I let Hayden walk in front of me. Knowing what was going to happen, I grabbed her by the waist. Our mouths, clashing for dominance while our cups moved unsteadily. My free hand moved to her face. She moaned into the kiss.

By then, we had to break apart. The elevator dinged. We quickly stood apart. Her face heated with a blush.

"Shit, you really turn me on sometimes," I wipe my lip that has the taste of her lingering.

"Shut up," she giggled. We walked out of the building after signing out.

"How do you think that went?" I ask. Hayden puts on her thinking face.

"We could have found out more. But, we do know that your mother doesn't like him." That is correct. One way or another we will build an alibi for my grandfather.

"Let me know later how the post is going," I tell Hayden with my feet speeding to hold the bus. The bus stops as we board with our metro cards. The ride feels shorter than it was. We made it back to where we were earlier. The sun only increased throughout the day.

"Today was fun. Your mother is so funny. She has a lot of stories despite her condition." Hayden walks alongside me, drinking her iced tea.

"That's my mom," I say proudly. I was thinking of heading back home with Hayden when I see a car at the house. A car that looks like my father's. We aren't too far from where I can see two people. Two men making out in the car. One of them is my father.

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