Chapter Twenty-Three: spoiled like a sugar baby

Start from the beginning

Nathaniel laughed, "You are?"

"Yeah, that's why I hang out with you." I shrugged.

"No other reason?"

I stopped and looked at him, I pointed an accusing finger at him. "I don't willingly hang out with tall people. Why do you think I became friends with Brian?"

"Because he's shorter than you."

"Bingo. Although there is another reason I speak with you willingly."

"Yeah?" He asked, he licked his bottom lip. "Which is?"

"Your cook makes me nachos."

He laughed, "I knew you were gonna say that."

"Are you calling me predictable Nathaniel?"

He raised his hands defensively, "Not at all."

"Because I'm not predictable." I slapped the wall and then pointed at him, "Bet you didn't predict that."

He shook his head, "No I did not."

I slapped it again, "How bout that one?"

"Stop." He laughed.

"I could stab you right now and I bet you wouldn't predict that."

"Well now I will, since you told me about it." He paused, "What would you even stab me with? Your finger?"

I glared at him, "No my outie belly button. When that shit is cold it's like a nipple, cuts through steel."

"Mine doesn't do that."

"Well I'm built different I guess."

"Oh yeah, being short part of being built different?"

I kicked him in the side of the leg, "Being a fucking sky scraper come in the rich boy package?"

He smiled, "Being attractive does."

"Then where's my money?"

He pointed at himself.

Ya know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think Nathaniel just flirted with me.


"Cole that's not how that works, you're gonna break it."

"What the fuck do you mean?" I asked, "It's a car, the doors don't pull out?"

Nathaniel shook his head, pressing a button on his keys, "No it lifts."

I watched in awe as the doors fucking lifted up instead of opening out to the side.


"What the fuck is this? How the fuck does it do that?" I turned to him, narrowing my eyes. "Are you a fucking demon? I've read stories where the rich guy is a demon and I'm not trying to say possess me but I'm just saying that if you'd like to possess me I'd be-"

Nathaniel shook his head with a warm smile, "I'm not a demon."

I scoffed at him, "Dude you're so lame."

He sat down in the car and I followed, sitting down in the other side.

"Yeah? Lame people take you around in their expensive cars?"

I laughed as the doors closed next to me, "Depends on how fast you go while your driving." I said, watching as Nathaniel effortlessly pulled out of the parking garage this thing was in.

He was certainly a lot better at driving then me. Not to brag or anything, but I tend to crash the cars I drive a lot.

Look it's fun okay. One moment I'm just like 'hey, what would happen if I crash this car into that thing?' And, because I'm such a bad ass, I do it.

Normally nothing bad ever happens but people get so mad when you crash into their bushes,
It's weird. It's just a bush, if you want something to store bugs so badly then why don't you just leave your windows open?

Once we got out of the garage Nathaniel adjusted I'm his seat. "We have to leave the neighborhood first if you want to go fast, otherwise the neighbors will complain."

"Who cares if they complain, just blame it on me, say I was driving."

Nathaniel chuckled, "Well that solves the issue with the neighbors, but my parents would kill me if they knew I let somebody else drive this car."

I was silent for a bit, "You gotta let me drive this, it's on my bucket list."

"I bet you 50 dollars it wasn't on your bucket list."

I shrugged, "It wasn't but you gotta let me drive it."

Nathaniel tapped his fingers on the steering wheel before glancing at me. "Yeah..." he sighed, "You can drive it. But I'm taking us to a field so you can't crash it."

I grinned, "That's where the real fun will start."

We pulled out of Nathaniels neighborhood and he shook his head as he changed gears.

"Now, Cole." He pressed the gas, "Now we can go fast."


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Try to tell me if there's any typos, I tend to type too fast nowadays and things get misspelt often.

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