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Amy pov

Once we got close the pack house we shifted back we put some cloths on. I walked behind the tree with only a shirt while Liam came back with some sweat pants. I could his perfect 6 pack with a v-line. He was going to be the death of me one of this days. My wolf was purring agreeing what we were seeing. Until we heard Liam clear his throat and I turned red.

"Well little one do you like what you see?" He said with so much amusement in his voice.

"Well of course I do your one fine wolf" I said with a flirty tone. He was in shocked that I just admitted it. I laughed and grabbed his arm."come on show me my new home." I said with so much excitement. He just looked at me and just chuckled."Sure Amy let's show you our home now."

Liam was telling everything about the pack ground. Everything that he was saying there was proudness tone. Then when we got close to the pack house I just froze because I got Zack scent. Liam looked worried to why I stopped walking. Then we heard crashing inside the house then running foots coming to the door. I looked at Liam with a worried face. Then we heard a big bang from door being slam open. There I saw my brother messy hair with red puffy eyes. He looked at me with regrets,sadness,shocked then lastly happy. He came rushing to me and tackled me down. I went down with all my air out. I looked at sky and heard whimpering sound on my neck and tears wetting my shoulder. I just hugged him and patted his head. Everyone was just watching us in awe.

"Its ok Zack....there's no reason to cry. Ok? I'm here now..just calm down..I don't like seeing you hurt..please..." I told him with my voice breaking. Then he just let a big wailed of crying. That just broke my heart since we have a bond I can feel all his pain. That i started to see blurriness. At that moment I realized that I was crying and wailing. It took us 5 minutes for us to let out everything. While we were calming down still on the ground. Liam walked to us picking Zack up first and then helping me up.

Liam:"its good you guys got everything fixed."
Zack:"I'm so sorry Amy I never ment anything from yesterday."
Amy:"its ok Zack I know how sorry your are with all that crying you did." I tease him.
Zack:" oh shut it you were crying with me too." He said it with a playful tone.
Amy:"yeah yeah yeah" I waved my hand to dismissed it.
Zack:"any way whats with the duffel bag?"
Liam:"well I somehow convinced Amy here to join the pack. So meet your new pack mate." He said it with proudness.

Then Julie and Tyler came out the house running and tackling me down. I knew my back was definitely going to bruise up since this people like to tackle and don't hold on how much power they use.

Amy:"OMG what with you people tackling others down with full force?!"

I heard everyone just laughed at my comment. Then Julie talked first."Amy is it true your staying?" She asked with enthusiasm."yes I'm staying here Liam convinced me to join. So be thankful to him and get off you guys are heavy."

Julie:"damn Liam your angel that heaven sent!! We have been trying to convince this girl to join a new pack."

Liam:"of course I'm not plus I understand her why she didn't want to join. After all her last pack broke her."

Amy:"anyway let's stop talking about sad stuff and get to training!!"

I said with excited voice. Then everyone looked at me in big eyes and I just cracked up laughing.

Amy:"omg whats with you guys faces?"

Zack:"because how can you think about training when we just cried few minutes ago?"

Liam:"does thats include me? I'm still burned out from a earlier."

Zack:"you did the training with her!?"

Amy:"yep and he did a pretty darn good. He catch up pretty good."

Zack:"so how the hell your here like didn't do nothing."

Liam:"i don't know it was pretty good workout."

Amy: anyway let's stop the chit-chat and let's go. We don't got all day."

Zack:"aww come on can we start tomorrow please."

Julie:"yeah pretty please."

Amy:"nope so let's go chop-chop!!

Liam:"well you heard her..."

Liam put his arm around my shoulders and led me to my new. By the way is next to his. We all got ready and met outside. I looked at everyone and just thought let the fun begin.

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