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Hi my name is amy. I'm a 17 year old lone wolf and you might be wondering why I'm not in a pack. Well you see I left my old pack everyone bullied, beat me, treated like a slave/trash. Even i was rejected by my mate just because everyone blamed me for my father death. My father was the beta of the moon eclipse pack. One day we decide to go fo a run but we were attacked by rogues and my father died protecting me. What was i supposed to do? I was only 14 year old and i barely started to train. But any way they just had to blame on someone and that someone was me. Even my mother and brother blamed me. When i turned 16 I found out my mate was the alphas son Adam Houston but got rejected in a instant. Well that's was 2 years ago now I'm turning 18 soon. Any way lets go back to the present.

Amy Pov

I was sitting on a tree all the way on top looking at the sunset. Just thinking about my old pack and how i felt cold, lonely. I missed my older brother Sam and my mother and little bit of my mate. I regret not accepting his rejection..sometimes i can feel him fucking a bitch. While I was just thinking i heard some growls. I looked down and saw a black wolf fighting a group of wolves. I'm guessing the group was rogues there about 20 of them. I saw the black wolf killing 13 of them also guessing he is a high rank wolf. He started to slow down and layed down next to a tree growling at the surviver rogues. So I decided to go help him. I got two knives that is laced with wolfbane from my shoes and threw it to two of the rogues straight to the head and they went down in a instant. Then shadow "thats what i decided to call the black wolf" and the rogues were looking around to see where it came from. Then I jumped down on top of a rogues and slash its throat. Then one of the other rogue came running to me and I grabbed its throat and snapping its neck. I just smiled and walked to shadow and he started to growl at me.

Amy: Hey I'm not here to hurt you just saw you needed help.
I said it with my hands up to show no harm. He relaxed and i petted his head and he purred.
Amy: Just think about healing for now ok? I'll take care of them and call help for you ok?
I turned and saw the 3 left rogues left and smirked and said.
Amy: So who is next?
I jumped in the air shifted into my white artic wolf. She was big like an alpha. My wolf is special since is rare to have a artic wolf they almost extent.
My paws pushed down on the ground and I shook my fur. I growled at the rogues with power that they started to back away but one of them charged to me and I jumped on its back grabbing its neck and ripping it out. The blood splurt on my wolf. I looked at the other two they both charged at me at the same time. One got my back and the other got my leg I growled in pain. Then I heard a whine and saw shadow tried to help but he slump back down. I looked at him with my dark blue eyes and growled at him to stay put. I turned at the rogue that got my leg and scratch its face letting go of my leg. Then I shook really violently making the other wolf fly off so strong it hit to a tree. I jumped on the scratched face rogue and ripped its throat too. The other rogue came running towards me and jumped in the air i slid below and grabbed its hind leg and threw its back against the tree breaking its back making it immobile to move. I walked to shadow and looked straight at its eyes then nuzzle his face letting it know every thing its ok. I heard howls and growls and turned to see some red, brown, blond and grey wolves. I stood down and growled at them and they stalked closer and growled at me. Then i heard a strong growl from shadow and saw all the wolves bowed their head to him. I looked at him looking him if they were his pack. Somehow he understood me and nod his head. I nuzzled him one last time and bow my head to him then i turned and bolt into the forest. My wolf and i was happy saving someone today.

The Alphas Lone wolf mateKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat