Like a soldier

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Liam pov

So little snow name is actually Amy. I just kept looking at them leave the club with a big smile. Then Luke came putting one of his hand on my should.

Luke: hey there love bird their gone. Look at you with that big smile.
Liam: of course I just met little snow
Luke: little snow?
Liam: the she wolf that saved me from the rogue attack
Luke: what?! That's  her?! Omg what a small world. Meeting again after couple hours ago.
Liam: yep its a small world."I chuckled"
Any way let's go hunting tonight? Alex want to release some energy.
Luke: sure why not...Kevin you coming?
Kevin: sure its been a while now.

So we left the club house and back to the pack house. While April and Lucy went to rest. I and guys shifted to our wolves to go hunting whatever the night gave us.

Amy pov

We got home and started to go inside when I ask the guys to go hunting. They all got excited we shifted to our wolves. I and Zack wolves were white artic wolves, while Julie was a blonde one and Tyler is a grey one. We ran into forest without knowing if we were in a pack territory but no worries we were faster than any regular pack wolves. We can out run them any time. I let my wolf Angel take control to see if she can catch any scent and she does. We followed a boar smell and saw 3 other wolves took it down and I realized that recognize them. It was shadow the wolf that I saved earlier in the day. My wolf and I was in naughty mode. So I mind link the guys.

Amy: Hey do you guys want to steal the prey from them? I know them..I saved the black wolf earlier in the day.
Zack: I don't know sis
Julie: oooo!! Sounds mischievous
Tyler: what ever you decide.
Amy: come on Zack its going to fun!! I'm sure they won't hurt us.
Zack: fine..
Amy: yesss!!! Ok Zack and Tyler distract them and me and Julie steal the prey.
Zack: why do we have the hard work?!
Amy: cut your mens...and its a men job to do the hard job.
Zack: fine let's get this over

So we were in our position already for the plan to work. Zack and Tyler jumped out behind the bushes and scared shadow and his friends. They started to growl at Zack and Tyler. They tried to attack them but Zack and Tyler was dodging them without a sweat. I told my self this people need more training. Julie and I started to crawl to boar to steal it but I saw shadow had pinned my brother down.
Amy: Julie take the boar and run we'll  be behind you!!
Julie: ok see you home!!
I ran to towards Zack and jumped in the air to tackling shadow in the process. We were rolling around each other until I pinned him down. He looked at me in shock while I gave him a wolfie smile. I nuzzle his face and liked his muzzle. He smiled at me happily. Then his friends came running towards me but I jumped out of the way. Zack and Tyler stood next me puffing their chest showing their not scare. Shadow stood up and look at us with a wolfie smirk.
Amy: Zack and Tyler go home I'll be right behind you.
They nodded and ran into the darkness of the forest. I turned around to looked at shadow one last time. I wagged my tail, barked happily and bowed to him one last time before I bolted to the forest following the rest to go home. Oh that was a nice evening tonight.

Liam pov

Kevin: was those two artic white wolves?
Liam: yep thats little snow and maybe a twin
Kevin: but why they came here? They didn't fight or anything
Liam: I don't know Kevin but I was glad seeing her tonight
Luke: OH HELL NO!!
Liam: what is it?
Luke: they stole my boar!!
Kevin: oh come one its just a pig.
Luke: naw-uh I got hurt in the process to get it killed!! And they stole it like nothing!!!
Liam: oh come on we have a lot food in the pack house. Maybe they need it. "I chuckled at Luke reaction"
Luke: fine but I'll have me revenge when I found them.
Liam: I don't think you can beat them. Didn't you see how little snow pinned me down effortlessly?
Luke: don't worry I won't go easy
Kevin sighs: its your death wish...even i notice how strong they are.
Liam: let's just go back home and rest. ok?
Luke: fine

We went back to the pack house. I said bye to guys and went to my room. I took a shower and put on some grey sweat pants and layer down on the bed looking at the ceiling just thinking. Little snow you must living close by if I just saw 3 times today but don't worry I'll find your hiding spot. I just smiled and drifted to sleep.

The Alphas Lone wolf mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें