One: A Brief Encounter

Start from the beginning

Marinette pulled out a strawberry flavored Macaroon and fed it to Tikki, who eagerly munched down the treat. 

"Thanks Marinette," Tikki said, nuzzling her cheek as Marinette brushed a gentle finger over the little Kwami's head.

Tikki flew back into Marinette's purse and Marinette walked out the dark alley and onto the Paris streets where she bumped into a hard chest.

"Ouch," she said, rubbing her forehead and looking at a figure who's eyebrows were furrowed.

"Marinette?" Cat Noir's familiar voice questioned her presence. "Sorry I...didn't see you there," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"It's alright," she said chuckling.

"What were you doing here anyways?" He asked frowning. "In an isolated dark alleyway?"

Crap crap crap

"Oh I- went in there to hide from the villain, then saw Ladybug swinging by and thought it was safe to come out," she said, lying.

"Oh okay," he said, his eyebrows furrowed, but then he returned back to his normal self.

"Do you want me to take you home? It's getting pretty late out," he said smiling.

"No thanks, I think I'll be alright," she said, shivering.

"It's the least I can do for bumping into a lovely lady, and it's getting purrretty cold out," he said.

She looked up, he was right, it was getting late out and it was cold.

"Alright, I'll take you up on that," she said, as Chat grinned at her.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, the warm touch sending shivers down her spine as she cuddled into him. He looked down at her and smiled before extending his staff up towards the roof.

In the span of five minutes, Chat brought Marinette back to her house on the roof top and gently let go of her.

"Thanks Chat," she said smiling at him.

"Anytime," he said, "if you ever need help just meow."

Marinette chuckled at the stupid cat pun which made Chat grin as he looked at her.

"Good night little lady," he said, placing a kiss on her hand before extending his staff and disappearing into the night.

Tikki popped out of her purse, "That was a close one Marinette," she said with worried eyes.

"Yeah," she said staring off into the distance, "I'm glad I've learned to lie better with these things."

She opened the latch to her room and slipped inside landing on her bed. She closed it and jumped off her bed and stared at the pile of homework awaiting her. 

"I'm never gonna get this done," she said, groaning.

"I know you can Marinette," Tikki said encouragingly as Marinette smiled at her Kwami.

She sat down on her chair and leaned into her desk pulling out a pencil and focused on the word problems in front of her. She worked and worked as a couple hours went by and she found her eyes getting droopy. When she finished the last sentence of the last word problem, she fell asleep right at her desk with soft snores escaping her mouth.

Tikki looked at her holder proudly and with affection, before flying up and grabbing Marinette's light pink blanket and resting it around her shoulders. Tikki laid down on Marinette's shoulder and also dozed off peacefully.


"Marinette, wake up!" Tikki said shaking her shoulder.

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