14: Bad Nebula Arrives

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Sanctuary 2 Prison Cell

Whack! Nebula goes tumbling across the floor, she gets to her knees looking up at...Bad Nebula, glaring down at her.

"You're weak." Bad Nebula says to Good Nebula.

"I'm you-" Good Nebula says to Bad Nebula.

"Shut up!" Bad Nebula says snapping at Good Nebula. Bad Nebula punches Good Nebula down. Good Nebula groans as Bad Nebula rips off her time-space gps.

Then Gamora enters, Nebula softens a little seeing her sister, taking in her (once dead) sister, and she has a ghost of a smile on her face.

"You could stop this. You know you want to. Did you see what happens in the future? Thanos finds the soul stone." Good Nebula says to her sister, Gamora's wheels start turning.

"You want to know how he does that? You want to know what he does to you-" Good Nebula says and Bad Nebula looks like she's had enough of this at the moment.

"ENOUGH!" Bad Nebula yells, and she smacks Good Nebula the hardest yet, and leans in with a jagged instrument of torture.

"You disgust me...but that doesn't mean you're useless." Bad Nebula says, and she pries off the orange panel from Good Nebula's head, and Gamora takes in this new development.

Sanctuary Throne Room

Bad Nebula enters to find Thanos on his throne. She hands him Good Nebula's Time-Travel GPS, and he smiles, and Bad Nebula affixes Good Nebula's orange panel onto her head.

"How do I look?" Bad Nebula asks her father with a slight smirk on her face.

Bentar Flight Deck

Natasha and Clint stand on the flight deck, staring at the majestic purple planet.

"Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome." Clint says with a smile growing on his face.


Clint and Natasha eye the Benatar resting on a sand dune, and Clint fires a Pym Particle. Whoosh the entire ship disappears, and Clint lifts the shrunken Benatar and tucks it into his pocket. Clint and Natasha trek across the dunes of Vormir, toward the mountain.

Vormir Midway up the mountain

Natasha and Clint climb ragged as they approach an archway.

"Really starting to regret my choice here." Clint says with a little hint of worry in his voice.

"Yeah. I'm gonna be the raccoon that didn't have to climb a mountain." Natasha says and Clint laughs a little, when his wife says that.

"I don't think technically, he's a racoon..."

"Whatever, he eats garbage-" Natasha says before she gets interrupted as they hear something, they whirl around with their weapons up as a hooded figure approaches.

"I assure you, you have nothing to fear of me." The hooded figure says to the two ex-assassins.

"Creepy." Clint says and Natasha nods her head a little.

"Welcome Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint son of Edith." The hooded figure says to them.

"Creepier." Clint says and Natasha gives Clint a look.

"Who are you?" Natasha finally speaks up to the hooded figure.

"Consider me a guide, to you and to all who wish to seek the Soul Stone." The hooded figure said to the duo.

"Great. You show us where it is, and we'll be on our way..." Natasha says to the hooded figure and it removes his hood revealing the Red Skull and Natasha remembers Steve talking about him years ago, but obviously never got to meet him, for obvious reasons.

"Oh, liebchen. If only it were that easy..." The Red Skull says to the two adults and Natasha gulped a little.

Vormir Mountain Top

Start on jagged rocks, tilt up to see Skull, Tasha and Clint staring down from the Altar.

"What do you seek lies in front of you? As does what you fear." The Red Skull says.

"The Stone is down there?" Natasha says to the red-headed man.

"For one of you. For the other. The Stone demands a sacrifice. In order to take it, you must leave behind that which you love." The Red Skull says. The Red Skull points a bony finger down the well.

"A soul for a soul." The Red Skull continues, and Natasha and Clint stare down the well, stunned.

"Maybe he's full of shit." Clint says and fifty feet away at the monoliths, Natasha and Clint huddle.

"I don't think so." Natasha says to her husband.

"Why because he knew your daddy's name?" Clint says and Natasha gives Clint a look.

"I didn't. Thanos left here with the stone, and without his daughter. You really think that's a coincidence?" Natasha says to Clint and he nodded his head. Both of them wanted this to be over with at the moment so they can see their kids happy that they won.

"Whatever it takes." Natasha says under her breath.

"Whatever it takes." Clint repeats under his breath.

"If you don't get the stone, billions of people are going to stay dead." Natasha says to Clint.

"Then I guess we both know who it has to be." Clint says.

"Yeah, guess we do." Natasha says, and at that split second all of her memories of being a mother are playing in her head.

"I'm starting to think we don't mean the same person." Clint says.

"For the last five years, I've been trying to do one thing to get here. This is all it's been about. Bringing everybody back, bringing Tay back and the rest of the girls back." Natasha says and Clint looks down sad when Natasha mentions Taylor's name.

"Let's do this for Taylor and everyone else that got snapped." Clint says, and Natasha has a determined smile on her face, they are gonna bring families back together but then her smile turns into a frown.

"But you heard what he said, we have to sacrifice one of us, that's the deal." Natasha said to Clint and he had the same look on his face like she had on her's.

"It's okay if one of us doesn't make it, as long as we have love we will be just fine okay Tasha." Clint says to his wife, and she shook her head no.

"I'm not leaving you Clint, we've been through so much in our lives, we made a family and when we get them all back you're not going to be here to see Tay's face. We both didn't get to say goodbye to our daughter Clinton, and you are just gonna leave that all behind you." Natasha said to Clint and she was disappointed, he used to be a family guy before becoming an Avenger, and yeah. He still was even after he became an Avenger, but to Natasha it wasn't the same for her.

"You think that I wanted our daughter to leave. I didn't ask for this Natasha." Clint says and Natasha was fighting her tears right now.

Natasha walks to the cliff, thinking if she wants to do this. She wants to bring back everyone that they lost, and see their faces when families are reconnected again, after 5 years. But she won't be there when they get everyone back, she won't see Taylor, Brie, Tabatha, Chase, Felicity, it won't feel right. She just can decide if she wants to do this or not.

She throws a Widow's Bite at Clint, and makes a break for the cliff, and she's halfway there, when an explosion arrow knocks her to her feet. Clint races past her...leaping off the edge of the cliff, and he slips and he falls to the bottom of the cliff, and Natasha covers her mouth in shock.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Natasha yells and she falls onto her knees, and she starts crying. She lost her husband, her other half, forever. He won't come back.

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