5: New York

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Little later when they are gonna get the stones

The Battle of New York rages. In the middle of it all, the

Avengers  gather in a circle, facing impossible odds.

Flash! Steve, Macy, Tony, Scott and Bruce arrive at the mouth of alley just out of sight.

"Okay Park Avenue's that way. Let's huddle up
Suit's off." Tony said and they all touch their cuffs retracting their time suits.

"We've got our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low erp an eye on time-" Steve said and Hulk 1 bounds down the street smashing things, and Macy scooted towards Tony and he puts a protective arm around his daughter, and he kisses her cheek and she calms down a little.

"And Bruce? Maybe smash a few things along the way. For appearances." Steve said and Macy giggled a little when he half-heartedly smashed a few cars and Tony poked her side and she shivered a little bit wishing that she had a jacket underneath her time suit, but she put it right where she left it on the chair.

"Grrr....grrr..." Bruce said as he continued to 'smash', cars.

Sanctum Sanctorum Roof

The Battle of New York rages, and a Chitauri zooms over the village. Suddenly....boom the Chariots explode. On one side of the Sanctum roof, a tiny hooded figure hurls jagged mandalas into the sky. On the other side of the roof, Bruce lands, he lands for the door, but....

"I'd be careful going that way..." A mysterious voice said and it sounded like a woman, and Bruce turned around and saw an Ancient One standing there looking at him.

"We just had the floors waxed." Ancient One said continuing and Bruce thinks then growls, trying to intimidate her, but it isn't no use, trying because she isn't fazed one bit by it.

"Hulk....does what....Hulk wants?" Bruce said trying to look intimidating by trying to sound scare but it isn't working.

"Yes I suppose they would be the case-" Ancient One said before she got interrupted by Hulk 1.

Just then on the opposite roof, Hulk 1 tackles a Chitauri chariot, ripping it in half, he roars then he leaps away. Now Bruce knows why at first when he hulked out why Macy was scared of him, and hiding behind her shield. It wasn't until he was wrecking havoc in the city of Johannesburg, and Macy helped him trying not to destroy anything that he already destroyed.

Bruce blinks sheepishly and the Ancient One looks at him.

"Care to explain?" Ancient One asks the smart Bruce.

"I'm looking for Dr. Strange." Bruce said and the Ancient One shook her head no at him.

"You're about five years too early Stephen Strange is currently performing surgery, 20 blocks that way. What do you want with him." Ancient One asks Bruce,  and he finally notices the Eye of Agamotto hanging from her neck.

"Well that actually." Bruce said and Ancient One shook her head no at him.

"Ah, I am afraid not." Ancient One said to the Hulk.

"I'm seriously sorry but...I wasn't asking." Bruce said cracking his knuckles and moving in, and she smiled.

"You don't want to do this." Ancient One told Bruce and he looked around.

"You're right, I don't. But I need that stone and I don't have a lot of time to debate it-" Bruce said, reaching in for it, and the Ancient One slams her palm into his chest, and blasts him right out of Smart Hulk. 'Astral Banner', hands in the air, stating at his frozen Smart Hulk body. He looks at his human hands overwhelmed.

"No, no, no-" Astral Banner. She topples Smart Hulk's body with one finger whump.

"Now let's start over shall we?" Ancient One said.

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