12: Morag Abandoned City

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Peter Quill in red, pleather trench coat, and headphones, dances through the ruins of an alien city. Pull back to...Nebula and Rhodey watching from behind a rock.

"So, he's an idiot." Rhodey whispers to Nebula, and she looks at him.

"Yes." Nebula responds to the War Machine. Quill spins arms out, eyes shut. When the horizon finally settles...he sees a metal man standing there waiting for him.

"Oh, fu-" Quill says, and bam! Rhodey decks Quill in the face, and Quill drops out cold.

"Sorry about that. I know you guys were teammates and everything." Rhodey says and Nebula rolls her eyes at the Colonel.

"Do you hear me complaining?" Nebula said sassed back to Rhodey. Nebula rifles through Quill's sack. She pulls out an electronic lock pick.

"What was that?" Rhodey asked Nebula, because he's never seen that object before.

"The tool of a thief. Come on." Nebula says and Rhodey follows her.

Morag Temple Vault

Two huge stone doors slide open revealing Nebula and Rhodey, she steps in, and Rhodey tries to stop her.

"Hang on. This would be about the time the spikes come out, you know, with the skeleton's still on them?" Rhodey says.

"What are you talking about?" Nebula remarked to James.

"I'm just saying when you break into a place called, 'The Temple of The Power Stone', there are usually..." Rhodey said and they see the Power Stone orb hovering above it's pedestal, surrounded by a web of laser threads.

"Traps and stuff. Okay, don't say I didn't warn you." Rhodey says and Nebula walks into the temple, and he scans the laser web strategizing.

"These are photovoltaic lasers on a constantly shifting matrix. Gonna be damn near impossible to neutralize unless we-" Rhodey says and then suddenly Nebula reaches her cybernetic arm through the web, and she grabs the orb, but the web grips her, frying her arm off.

She pulls out the orb but sees Rhodey staring at her blackened claw.

"I wasn't always like this." Nebula says to Rhodey and he gives her a sad look. He sees actual emotion somewhere inside her. Favor his exoskeletal leg braces as he softens.

"Yeah me too. I guess we do the best with what we've got huh?" Rhodey says and she gives him a look and she hands him the orb with just the ghost of a smile.

"Let's get out of here. Place gives me the fucking creeps. Sync up. Three...two....one..." Rhodey says and he taps his cuff, shrinking away. Nebula goes for hers...but her eyes roll back. She collapses, seizing violently, then going still. Her eyes snap open, projecting a hologram of Thanos.

"What's wrong?" Thanos asked and he is a hologram.


Back in the interrogation cell, Bad Nebula's eye beams: In Thanos' lodge, the Avengers surround a one-armed Thanos.

"You murdered trillions." Bruce Banner says to Thanos.

"You should be grateful?" Thanos says to the scientist.

"Where are the stones?" Natasha asks the purple dude.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms." Thanos says and Bruce gets upset.

"You used them two days ago!" Bruce says and Natasha grabs his hand to calm him down a little, now's not the time to Hulk-out at the moment.

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