6: Asgard Palace

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Asgard 2013

An Asgardian Maiden stands at Jane's room, handing over a green dress, Jane looked at the dress and her nose scrunches just a little.

"For you Lady Jane." The Maiden said handing Jane the dress.

"Um, do you have anything with....pants?" Jane asks the Maiden and the Maiden looks at her weirdly.

"Pants?" The Maiden asked and Jane shook her head.

"It's okay. Nevermind." Jane said and she closed her door.

Rocket and Thor are watching the scene from behind a crypt. Rocket holds up a syringe-like Extraction Device.

"That's Jane." Thor said and Rocket nodded his head a little, he kind of knew that because the Maiden said Jane's name.

"Okay here's the deal. You're going to charm her, and I'm going to poke her with this thing l, extract the Reality Stone, and get gone lickety-split." Rocket said and Thor looked off in the other direction, and he was anxious about seeing his past lover.

"Um, I'll be right back. The wine cellar is just down there. My father used to have this barrel of Aamonian ale. Felt like getting hit in the face with a polexae. I'll see if the scullery has a couple of to-go cups-" Thor said and they heard someone approaching. Rocket yanks Thor back as Thor's mother Frigga and her handmaidens enter the corridor.

"Send Loki some soup. I don't think he's eating, and ask our librarians to pull volumes from the astronomy shelves. He won't read them, but at least they'll keep him company." Frigga said and her handmaidens left, and Thor watches his mother and her coterie disappear down the hall.

"Who's the fancy board?" Rocket said and he was looking at the mother.

"My mother, and Tabatha's grandmother died today." Thor said and he wiped his tears when he said his daughter's name, quick enough so that Rocket didn't notice but it was too late, he already noticed.

"Oh jeez." Rocket said and Thor starts to sweat a little.

"I can't do this. This is a bad idea, and I can't do this..." Thor said and Rocket groaned a little.

"Come here." Rocket said and Thor steps closer and Rocket slaps him across the face.

"You think you're the only one who's lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost the only family I ever had. Quill, Groot, Drax then chick with the antenna. All gone. I've lived five meaningless years without them, and every minute has blown Aaskvarian gonads. I understand you miss your mother and your daughter. But they're gone. Really gone. There are plenty of people who are only kind of gone. And you can help them. So it is too much to ask you brush the crumbs out of your beard, make schoompy and talk to Prettypants, and when she's not looking suck out the Infinity Stone and help me get my family back." Rocket said and Thor let some tears fall a little before Rocket wiped them away, before he turned serious, and Thor stared at him for a long moment, and he wiped his tears away.

"I guess not." Thor said and Rocket nodded his head at the God.

"Good." Rocket said.

"Thank you. I can do this." Thor said confidently.

"Great." Rocket said and he wanted to get this over with.

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