7: Morag

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Morag 2014

Stiff winds pelt the surface of Morag. Rhodey steers Nebula as she lowers the escape pod from the now full-sized Benatar.

"That's it, right on the line, Blue. Keep dropping it." Rhodey said and Nebula looked at him.

Clint takes out a picture of when Taylor and Chase were younger and Natasha's hair was a little longer, the year was 2008.

He surveys the planet, geysers explode, cliffs loom. An Orloni bites Nebula's, foot and she kicks it away.

"Hey can we hurry it up?" Clint said a little impatient for Rhodey to handle.

"Yeah come on, chop chop, we're on the clock here." Natasha said and Clint turned and he saw his wife standing there with a little smile on her face, and she saw Clint whispering that he misses Taylor and how wishes that she was here.

"All that? Really helpful!" Rhodey said and Nebula rolled her eyes at the Colonel.

Clint and Natasha board the Benatar. Rhodey and Nebula remain on the planet's surface.

"Take care of yourself." Natasha said to Clint and she quickly kissed his cheek, and he smiled a little and he nodded his head at his wife.

"Get that stone and come back. No messing around. You guys watch each other's six." Rhodey said and Natasha and Clint both nodded their heads at the Colonel.

Beside the pod Rhodey and Nebula watch the Benatar take off.

"Coordinates for Vormir are laid in. All they have to do is not fall out." Nebula said and Rhodey nodded a little.

Benatar Flight Deck

Clint laughs he watches Natasha expertly piloting a spaceship.

"What?" Natasha said and she smiled a little.

"What if Taylor didn't leave." Clint said out loud mostly to himself and Natasha hears him say it and her smile dropped when Clint said Taylor.

Taylor was basically Natasha's mini-me she wasn't as terrifying when she's in the zone. She was more relaxed than Natasha.

"She would be happy that we are going to bring back everyone, because that's what she would want to do." Natasha said and she still had one hand on the wheel of the ship, and her other hand holding Clint's left hand and she squeezed it a little.

"Yeah she would." Clint said smiling thinking what would Taylor do in all this chaos. She always had great advice when it came to missions.

Sometimes Clint thought if Taylor was related to Steve because of the advice that she would get. She genuinely cared for those that she loved. Clint and Natasha couldn't ask for a better daughter, because Taylor was a little mix of her two parents.

Morag (Guardians)

Rhodey scans the landscape, he kind of wished that Macy went with his team. But of course she chose her father over her Uncle. Which he isn't surprised to say the least, he just wanted someone to talk to.

"So all we have to do is hand out, and wait for this Quill guy, and follow him to the Power Stone right?" Rhodey asked Nebula and she nodded her head a little.

"Let's take cover. We're not the only one's in this reality looking for the stones." Nebula explained and Rhodey stopped dead in his tracks and turned to the Blue Meanie.

"Hey who are you talking about right now? Who else is looking for the stones?" Rhodey said with a hint of terror, hoping that it wouldn't be Thanos and his gang.

"My father, my sister, and...me." Nebula said and Rhodey shook his head, not completely believing Nebula but he was still scared at the moment.

"You? Where are you?" Rhodey said.

Battlefield Alien Planet

Bad Nebula cuts down a Korbinite Solider with dual blades. She leads Thanos' troops onward as they waste the Korbinite home world. Just then...

Blam! A grenade knocks Bad Nebula to her knees. Two Korbinite Ridleman bear down on her. Suddenly a green hue leaps in, slicing the rifle men's throats. The two huge soldiers drop. Revealing Gamora looking down at her sister.

"You're welcome." Gamora said and Bad Nebula rolls her eyes at her sister.

"I didn't ask for your help." Bad Nebula said to her sister.

"And yet you always need it. Father wants us back on the ship." Gamora said, offering her hand to her sister and Bad Nebula stands on her own.

"Why?" Bad Nebula said and Gamora rolled her eyes back at her sister.

"He's found an Infinity Stone?" Gamora said to her sister.


Bad Nebula and Gamora study a holo-map.

"Where?" Bad Nebula asks her sister.

"On a planet called Morag." Gamora said to her sister.

Battlefield Alien Planet

A dark figure advances across the smokey field relentless.

"Father's plan is finally in motion." Bad Nebula said with a small smile on her face.

"One stone isn't six." Gamora said with sarcasm to her sister. Alien's run for cover, screaming, and something cuts them down.

"It's a start, if he gets them all." Bad Nebula said, and Thanos steps from the smoke, armored, wielding a huge blade.

"We'll never have to do this again." Gamora said.

Three aliens charge him and Thanos puts them down. He wipes the blood from his face and he smiles.

"He'll miss it." Bad Nebula said. A small fighter flies in, strafing him. Never breaking stride, Thanos slices it in two, and he looks up to his ship. A beam bathes him in light.


"Ronan has located the Power Stone, I'm dispatching you to this ship." Thanos said.

"He won't like it." Gamora says and Thanos wipes the blood from his blade.

"His alternative is death. Ronan's obsession clouds his judgement. After Loki, I'm taking no chances." Thanos said with a devious smirk on his face.

"We will not fail you father." Bad Nebula says and Thanos finally lays his eyes on her.

"No. You won't." Thanos said.

"I swear I will make you proud-" Bad Nebula says and suddenly she staggers, hands to the wall.

"Sister what's-" Gamora says and Thanos watches cautiously as Nebula drops to a knee. Suddenly a holo-projection of Rhodey beam from her eye.

"So all we have to do is hang out and wait for this Quill guy, and follow him to the Power stone right." Rhodey says.

"Let's take cover. We're not the only one's in this reality looking for the stones." Nebula says on the holo-gram says to Rhodey.

Bad Nebula slumps, breaking the projection, and Gamora goes to her trying to prop her up.

"Who was that?" Gamora said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"I...don't know. My head...splitting..." Bad Nebula said and she winces in pain and Gamora looks at Thanos.

"Her synaptic drive was probably damaged in battle-" Gamora said to Thanos.

"Sshhh..." Thanos says looking down at Bad Nebula, and he gently lifts her head with his blade.

"Bring her to my ship." Thanos says to his daughter.

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